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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. Fcuk that I will be letting them go for 15 euro each,I might try that
  2. I got this lurcher print today,keeping this one for myself but should be getting a few tomorrow
  3. I am no fan of salukis but they are cracking looking dogs Riohog
  4. I have 3 lurchers,one is 3 one is 6 and the old dog is 11 and i also have a litter of pups here from the 6 year old bitch to the 11 year old dog,I will be keeping back one of them,and at the moment i have no dog to lamp,the old dog done up his dew claw the 3 year old bitch has a bad cut on her leg ,that is just about healed ,I had 2 whippets but gave one to a friend a couple of weeks ago,i have never lamped the one i have here but it's looking like i might have to start. I also have a 4 year old lakeland dog and a 2 1/2 year old russell/lakeland bitch ,,working well ,,a 12 year old russell
  5. Try get a pic up mate ,i'm not too far away
  6. cheaper than buying dog after dog during the season.
  7. You got yours ye fcuker,and tell the other fella to drop over so i can get him his other card
  8. Thanks for tthe comments lads,Staff peg.they seem to all be smooth but nice and thick,i have not decided yet,maybe when they are around 6 weeks
  9. That brindle dog is a fine animal ,what way is he/she bred
  10. I should hope so and your not sending the kids to school with chicken rolls for lunch No i keep the chicken rolls for Dezzy when we are out digging :bad:
  11. The bitch is bred from a 1st x wheaten/greyhound bitch to a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull dog and the dog is 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie coming up on 11 years old and still doing plenty of fox and bunnies.
  12. Thanks P3D, they have already made a big differance
  13. Thanks Lads,they are full of minced chicken from the food inn Jay.lol
  14. here ye go, oops sorry they are me whippets heres my lurchers
  15. Thanks Chris ,they are lapping now the last week and a half so getting strong
  16. For the lads waiting on their club cards they are ready,sorry for the delay. here they are
  17. Go to the website and contact them,it should be no problem
  18. Bad pics from my phone but here yis go bitch pup bitch pup dog pup Dam Sire
  19. I keep both rough and smooth coated dogs and i keep them for their working ability not for their looks,but saying that i do show my dogs too during the summer ,and they do well but if they could not put a shift in the field they would not stay in my kennels.but if was picking a pup from a litter of mixed smooth and rough and it came down to 2 pups that where to my liking and nothing else but was rough and one was smooth to decide on i would most likeily go for the rough coated. showing out working
  20. Ye wont get much meat off a patterdale ,better off get some greyhounds leaner meat and more readily available
  21. Nice pups Vixen,i would like to have a decent working border in my kennels
  22. Out every day doing a bit of mooching,try to get out lamping 3 or 4 nights a week depending on conditions and spend a least one day during the weekend either digging or searching for a dig
  23. The terrier i was on about a couple of weeks ago ,is on a course of antobiotics and is coming on well,needs to go back for another blood test but should be back out working soon
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