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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. Out checking a few local earths this morning(a bit of urban fox control)but on my way back i bumped into a lad i have not seen in a while ,with his pack.. He hadn't been in great health lately but great to see him back out again a few pics
  2. He's coming on Gem,I took him out with the terriers on Sunday for the first time,he seen a bit but wouldn't class him as started yet,still like a big pup. the bitchs from the litter are maturing a bit quicker alright ,he still want to play with the other dogs. a couple of pics of him from sunday, hes a nice stamp of a dog how old is he? i have abullxwheaten looks very simular but ithink mines took more to the wheaten than yours atb He is just coming 14mths
  3. Cracking Brog,when can ye sent him over to me
  4. be carefull what you post that looks like a drawing dog :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah,forgot to say she is great with a pencil and paper :laugh:
  5. graham i used the dog i did and never asked anyone else for the service of there dog get your facts right Not what I was told,and come on who have I let down and how?
  6. Danny,you had the bitch a few weeks and she came into season and ye bred from her,ye ask another man could you use his dog and he told ye no the bitch is not tested,and who have I let down,come tell us and how
  7. a great bitch,for marking a live earth
  8. Members 3,883 posts Location:monaghan 625] Posted 22 January 2012 - 03:45 PM good stuff lads keep at them Danny's post from when that pic was first put up
  9. Danny,you seemed to have the hump since i said about you breeding from a bitch that was not tested ,but she did rag a dead fox :laugh: :laugh: ,i have let someone down ,who? every one you passed them pups on to you let down,and where i have said that the wheaten has drawed anything,that bitch is 16" and has been dug to in plenty of the right sort of earths,we work alot of sandy ground with big holes that lurchers could fit to ground in,plus we use wheatens while out working cover and that pic has been up a few times and before you got the hump you only had good things to say about it,Sure i
  10. the black and tan is lakeland the other 2 are lakeland xs ,never mind the big lump at the back
  11. A peice of seat belt tied over my shoulder ,gut them as you get them ,noch a hole between the hamstring and bone and put the other leg through the hole and the seat belt between the legs
  12. Is that the T.H fcuker in the first pic Tom
  13. I have come across sika deer in that situation,one was a dead one i seen while lamping with a couple of badgers making use of the meat,and once while out lamping with the whippet i could hear one screaming a couple of fields away ,it was a calf caught up the same way,the hind was in the feild running around it in a panic.I released it and sent it on it;s way,and up in the same place there was a 3 legged stag in the area for a few years,used to see him every morning i was up ferreting,more than likily was caught up in a fence at some stage
  14. Ye cruei fcuker,I think your lying,any self respecting lurcher man carries a wire snips with him,for going through fences,ye left him hanging there went back home just to get the camra,lol Only messing,fairplay Tomo
  15. He's coming on Gem,I took him out with the terriers on Sunday for the first time,he seen a bit but wouldn't class him as started yet,still like a big pup. the bitchs from the litter are maturing a bit quicker alright ,he still want to play with the other dogs. a couple of pics of him from sunday,
  16. I myself prefare to keep my terriers small,and wouldn't bother adding bull or wheaten into them,but i have seen a fare few bull x terriers that where full of beans when it comes to stuff on the sod but where not into travelling an earth,I'm not asking about diluting wheaten blood but some lads that want harder terriers decide to add bull into their line ,more for the lads that want the harder terriers would wheaten not be the better option in some cases instead of bull
  17. I have both,but once the whippets are gone i will never get another one
  18. They can be a handful alright(wheatens)but most of the bull blood worth breeding from would be similar ,that would of been a good way to do it,i reckon 3/4 smaller terrier 1/4 wheaten would be just right,but as you said they might not last too long due to wear and tear
  19. Reading the thread on the wheaten/lakeland x has me thinking why is there not more wheaten x ,say pats,russell or lakelands about,there are plenty of bull xs to these terriers but would the wheaten not produce the same sort of drive but with more of the instinct to go to ground,Fatmans dogs sounds like it was the bench mark to what people would look for in this cross, Is it because there are more bulls readily available to produce a stronger type ,but how many are actually workers that are used and would wheaten blood from working stock not be more suitable as a cross.
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