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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. wheaten xs the red bitch is only 13 mths and has allready had a good few foxes single handed wheaten xs not great with other dogs,,not these 11mths 1st fox single handed
  2. I have kept and worked both ,the lurchers and pure breds ,without a doubt if ye want to breed a bit more grit to the lurchers wheatens are the way but if ye want a pot filler that will do the odd fox a beddy x might be more suitable ,but talking of the pure breds an average wheaten would be as good as a great beddy if it was for working large quarry,but i have seen some bad wheatens that where worse than bad beddys but they should not be bred from to create lurchers or pure breds,but my choice would be wheaten x once it was a good one and it was bred from the right stock
  3. hy mate was that bitch at the clondulane country fair back in the summer Yeah she was Boyo
  4. this is his dam(wheaten/greyhound x bull/greyhound) this is his Sire,My 11 year old 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie still hard at it
  5. The vet said he was getting too much of a good thing,(boiled chicken breast and redmills puppy 3 times a day)but the lack of sunshine being kept in the house until he was 12 weeks old could of being a factor in the lack of vit D which helps absorbe calicum
  6. He is on the same food just had to cut it down a bit
  7. pup now after 2weeks of calicum and vitamin d tabs
  8. Sent it back to bellman,if it can be fixed without new parts they will to it free but if if needs new parts i will have to pay for them
  9. the orange light was on while it was on charge
  10. Brought my fully charged collar out into the field today left on my bitch while she worked some cover,put her back on the lead as we where coming to a known earth and when i went to turn it off so we could enter bulljacks young bitch into the earth and just leave the one collar on i noticed it was already off,I tried to turn it back on and it wouldn't. when I got home I put it on the charger and an orange light came on it,I think the seal has gone on it and it has got wet inside,does the orange light mean there is a fault,and is it worth my while sending it back to be fixed or would it be
  11. Not a bother on her out in the field,just sat there while we had 2 digs in the one earth even had a bit of a rag of a carcass
  12. Being lucky enough ,drew a few blank days at the start of the season ,but since the end of November we have only had one day with out a dig ,my black and tan is is still butting in a good shift and my young red bitch has got better with each outing ,so i'm happy enough
  13. http://www.independe...ai-3370036.html She had it for a cold my arse has she not heard of lemsip,, Now she can have a proper reason to defend her her travel expenses,,the C.U.N.T will need a shofer http://www.thejourna...509363-Jul2012/ I called it a c.unt but a c.unt is a useful thing,but she is a c.unt with a dose and it is not a fcuking cold
  14. What i have seen of him so far he's a decent dog,my mate was gifted him off a lad that didn't do much with him so time will tell
  15. Mainly bull/greyhound with some beddy,wheaten and saluki in the mix
  16. Good going lads,bet yis are sore today,shame about the bitch
  17. Tesco have a new sign up in their butchers counter,(ALL TESCO BEEF IS 100% T/RACEABLE)
  18. Thanks mate ,just hope he does ,I will do my best with him
  19. I will be with him in the morning i will say it to him
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