The summer is here so ye wont be up to much with your dog at the moment,stick around on here and ye might learn abit ,also some common sense will help ye get on,there are some right arse wipes on here but some great lads aswell ,stick it out and ye will soon find out who is who and if ye need advice just ask and the decent lads will put ye straight,,
nice l330 , hows he bred
His dam is my 5/8 greyhound 1/4 wheaten 1/8 bull bitch ,this is her
and his sire is my 11 year old 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie,,Still going strong
nice sort them mate
thanks mate,they suit the work we give them,a bit full on for constant rabbit work but we usualy shine the lamp bit higher off the ground
great team of lurchers, that Socks with DD will have to work to a good standard to earn her place.
She is fitting in great already Spin,with the breeding behind her she has the making of a good one and she will be giving the right amount of work to let that breeding shine