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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. Your really trying to separate the factions aren't ye,if you want townie's not to have any thing to do with hunting,you will have an auful lot more people on the side of the antis, realistically there is properly more people from cities and towns that hunt than the country,and do a much needed service for plenty of people that keep stock We dont shout about huntig,im not being an arsehole here.Its city/townies that has ruined scenceble pest control As ye can see Ireland has idiots the same as every other Country.Imagine fighting for rights for this gentleman and his ilk. ...
  2. Your really trying to separate the factions aren't ye,if you want townie's not to have any thing to do with hunting,you will have an auful lot more people on the side of the antis, realistically there is properly more people from cities and towns that hunt than the country,and do a much needed service for plenty of people that keep stock We dont shout about huntig,im not being an arsehole here.Its city/townies that has ruined scenceble pest control your talking bollox,i have hunted with people from both towns and country ,and i have met some good and bad in both
  3. Your really trying to separate the factions aren't ye,if you want townie's not to have any thing to do with hunting,you will have an auful lot more people on the side of the antis, realistically there is properly more people from cities and towns that hunt than the country,and do a much needed service for plenty of people that keep stock
  4. this bitch is bred from a 1st x wheaten /greyhound bitch to a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull dog
  5. Sorry i couldn't make it up today ,i would of loven to of been there,hope all went well
  6. I am willing to be involved in this ,and i would fight tooth and nail to keep all forms of hunting with dogs
  7. Myself and Stopend have had our fair share of slagging matchs over this site ,but thats all it is a bit of slagging and banter but he has being working flat out to get this org off the ground and i will give him my full backing and everyone else i have spoke to on the matter is the same,I am born and bred in Dublin but one half of my mothers family where tenant farmers for the Laylaws in the Kells and Navan area of Co Meath and i remember being out there as a kid and they kenneled a few pairs of hounds for the hunt,the other half where sheep farmers from Co Wicklow ,and it was my grandfather t
  8. Give them another couple of mths or so then start them on rats,and DONT let them go to ground on rabbits
  9. I'm fond of wheaten xs but any dog that does the job i set out for them
  10. Simonman repost the address and let people know , in case this arse wipe tries it again or if someone feels like paying the address a visit
  11. There's an R in this month so your ok
  12. That's all it would take for them c.unts,a little nick on the ear that puts blood on the neck will tell a world of lies in pictures
  13. If you are heading out to do some legal pest control and them fcukers stop ye ,dont be surprised if everything is seized until they put your name in the paper,keep your dogs for months ,lose your locater and say they never had it all while you have to prove your innocence . what ever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty
  14. And i am not saying don't use them on rabbits .just don't breed them to be used for rabbits.,by all means if they are no good for ground work and the excel on rabbits then work away,but there will be plenty of pups in litters that won't make the grade for digging and if they will bush use them but dont pollute the breed by breeding more bushers from them
  15. Ive never read such shit we who uses Jack Russells for rabbits are not doing the breed any favours the same can be said about lurchers they was bred by poachers for poachers to put food on the table not fox hunting fox with a lurcher is not a lurcher breeding them for fox is not doing the breed any favours we uses jack russells cuz they got a lot to offer us in the field not how or who bred them. i use a couple of jack russells for bushing my self but i wouldn't breed from them because they are not up to the standard a jack russell should be. I have a bitch here ,she is 12 now,i bred her to
  16. This is all about what the breed was created for ,which was to work fox in the ground,the Parson Jack Russell did not create this breed to hunt rabbits and them being bred as rabbiting dogs is not doing the breed any good,no different than what show people have done with working dogs,if a jack russell is not working fox in the ground it is not a proper jack russell and should not be bred from to create a substandard type of the breed. One good thing Plummer done was take breeds with different attributes to come up with a bushing dog ,so if your looking to breed bushing terriers use plumme
  17. Bushing terriers do have their place ,and i have seen some great bushing terriers work over the years,for a dog to enter brambles and thick blackthorn hedges on a daily basis is no easy task and i have seen some dogs basicily work the ears off themselves,but i would not let them out to stud,there are many a failed digging dog that will be a great bushing dog and there is already enough shite being bred,if i was looking to breed a purpose bred bushing dog i would rather put a cocker ,springer or beagle into the mix ,with any terrier no matter from what line of breeding it is from has the potent
  18. Their looking well Liam ,is that one of the pups from the outcrossing you done with your line, my sort of terrier
  19. No i didn't ,being honest i don,t want it ,but if she does she can look after it f**k that get rid of it before your told to stay in while she goes out lamping :laugh: Does that mean when I come over I'll be hunting with L330's lass instead of him No she doesn't know where my permission is
  20. i still need a call bird myself,there seems to be a big population boost in the fcukers around here
  21. Micheal Collins William of Orange ,just to give the dutch fag a kick in the bollox
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