Nice 1 Hoker
yip an i could read it.....first i thought it was stopends new club
That's where i got the print for it ,i have been looking for a print i like to get a tattoo for ages and when i seen the one stopend had for the I.W.T.F i said i will get that and just change it a bit
so what you a wheaten x better than a bull x?
Yeah much better
Did you not find the thread I did for you Danny ? Have a look you'll find it easy anoth cheers
I seen it i was winding ye up
but on this thread and bull xs i have seen with a bit of collie in the mix didn't disappoint
no mate the bitch that was stolen was a pup from an other litter mate,but it was recovered a day or 2 later
this is the dam to the bitch that was stolen,another litter mate to them 2