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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. Everytime i look at it ,it does seem worse ,but there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything and that is the wrong way, this is the way it should be done ,early in the morning on a dual carriageway
  2. the race in that video was a bad example of it,but when it is done on a dual carriage way it is a lot better ,not driving toward oncoming traffic.these races go on every weekend but this one has made the national news,they where fcuking eijits ,
  3. if it doesn't have an engine it doesn't need tax,but these horses are bred like working dogs ,best ,to best and any anyone knocking what they do are no different to what the antis do knocking hunting,people have their chosen sport and who is anyone to say they are wrong in doing it,I used to do but don't anymore and i did enjoy it ,it was some rush ,and if an ambulance or something needs to get by they would let it by ,these people have families and all themselfs ,they are not complete scum they just enjoy a road race
  4. 3/4 standard bred trotting horse
  5. there is some fcuker keeps putting rabbit snares on my permission ,i wouldn't care but my old lurcher dog caught his back leg in one while i was walking it ,and luckly he was only walking and not chasing something,i keep pulling them up and snipping the wires but this prick wont learn
  6. I like a bit of fish,it good for the H...n
  7. The way it is now if you are caught doing it you lose your driving licences,there is a meeting every year called king of the road where they close off the roads to trot the horses on,it is a high risk sport and accidents do happen ,but if the police could be informed about it and supervise it with maybe a rolling road block it would be over and done with with in 5 minutes,which would be much easier to do on a dual carriage . http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=z7drSY1kJNQ
  8. there is no track for unregistered horses ie 3/4 breds and 7/8ths
  9. the number 1 dog looks ahead of the rest,it's just the angle of the pic
  10. I was road racing my 3/4 bred from the time she was about 2 1/2 until she was around 5 and i the one i was on about it was her 2nd race ,so that would of being 1993 which would of actually only made me 12 coming 13 but what that copper done was just making a dangerous situation a lot more dangerous ,another time when we where setting up for a race the police pulled and they escorted us to the new (at the time)kilcock bypass that was still being build and told us to work away,btw when i gave up racing her i start riding her doing cross country and hunts and a small bit of show jumping (once i g
  11. Lads would you think the same about a hunt with loads of horses and hounds blocking roads
  12. Doesn't that seem like something only a selfish mong would do? What's so important about getting dragged along by a horse that you can hold up people going to hospital, work or just wanting to get home? What's wrong with an old runway or something? horse has as much right on the road as anybody driving a car not on a motorway it doesn't. it wasn't a motor way i said the N 7
  13. maybe JUST FECKIN MAYBE you shouldnt have been on the road racing ................fucks sake them days are well past me now pal ,i was around 16 at the time i know better now but as i said the fcuker could of killed us both , funny how you think it's HIS fault.....who was creating the danger in the first place??? there was no danger until he got involved ,but as i said i know better now
  14. maybe JUST FECKIN MAYBE you shouldnt have been on the road racing ................fucks sake them days are well past me now pal ,i was around 16 at the time i know better now but as i said the fcuker could of killed us both , Personally I applaud him, more coppers need to do their jobs and stop letting people take the piss. If you die on racing a horse on a motorway then you won't find sympathy in many places will you? as i said pal i was young and foolish,
  15. maybe JUST FECKIN MAYBE you shouldnt have been on the road racing ................fucks sake them days are well past me now pal ,i was around 16 at the time i know better now but as i said the fcuker could of killed us both ,
  16. Venison ,lamb and duck,but when i tried Ostrich and horse i was pleasantly surprised
  17. brings back memories that,the garda made it worse ,never liked them races on two roads much better on a dual carriage way where the followers block the traffic from behind ,much less dangerous ,over in 2 mile and the rest of the traffic can carry on.i was once racing P Casey on the N 7and a speedie came up a long side me and tried to take the reins while i was trotting a 30 odd mph ,the fcuker could of killed us both
  18. never seen any of the final's like i said on the other thread to albertj suppose the filth watching never helped the classes and thats maybe why i thought it was poor because the classes i was interested in where dropped but thinking about it reckon it was maybe for the best to try and stop anyone else getting in bother with the law u think it was sh1te mate, f**k me with all going on in here think ill lev the pups at home lolol. people yas dont need to prove your dogs to anybody if yas are happy with how they work yes mate like i said could've been because they had to drop afew classes filt
  19. Had a great day at the show on sunday,my old black dog won the veteran class,and i lend my lakeland dog to a young lad to enter in the pairs and he got 3rd ,i didn't stick around for the racing,because the baby wasn't well and had to head back to Dublin,But i will say thanks to Albert and the two Matts for putting on a good show,. And well done Lurcher Dave you got me this time LOL And well done Steven Dessie and Graham for the lurcher , terrier and whippet champions fine dogs,and well done to the judges done a great job
  20. It depends on the situation,if you dig down to an up in the face sort of terrier it is a lot easier to take hold of your quarry but if you have a bayer that doesn't mix it too much and you have a bit of a reach up to your quarry or if it up on a shelve it's chancey but a bit of a stick or the handle of the spade up for your quarry to take hold of then scruff it but blindly sticking your hand up a tube is madness but i have seen it done
  21. If he was any use,i would say he would make a great x over a g/hound to breed lurchers
  22. i have made a few comments
  23. really like that dog pal did she do much really like that dog pal did she do much thanks mate ,she is six years old now mate and she has been worked since she was 11 mths,fills the freezer and takes fox easily ,i use her lamping and i'm never without her when i'm out digging
  24. i have them foaming at the mouth now
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