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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkqfa-kaRFM&feature=player_detailpage
  2. I will hopefully have my boys by my side when I am getting on a bit too much for using the spade and i will teach them to conduct their terrier work in a proper manner,and they might be teaching me a thing or two when the years pass by with the way the game is evolving ,but no matter what if all forms of terrier work where banned it will still continue but the problem with is some people will still do it the proper way but you will always get that element of arse hole that want to do it because it is illegal,and they are the c@nt that has fcuk it up to the point it is at the moment
  3. It is a very good thread ,I'm just trying to warn the fools( instead of gobshite,i don't want to offend anyone )out there not to make stupid comments
  4. No Mate you just picked a bad user name :laugh:
  5. It is a very logical thread but there is always some gobshite out willing to big up their dogs and type shite without thinking,and the antis will drop in and out doing a bit of fishing aswell,so i'm just saying no one take the bait,Not calling you an anti coonboy but they are out there just waiting for someone to slip up and this thread is the perfect place for them
  6. This thread could go the wrong way,and the anti 's are just waiting to copy and paste something,be careful
  7. lol thats the worse case of crawling i have ever come across,, :tongue2: Bollox John,I say it how it is,any time i have been to Birr,i have had a good time,i make a weekend out of it every year.If i didn't enjoy it i wouldn't go both days. You just love stirring shit
  8. Their not what ye class as Irish ,and i'm not putting all travellers or Cork men in the same boat here but the one's giving jig the hassle are Knackers
  9. Birr last year was one of the best shows i was ever at and if this year is half as good ,it is well worth attending
  10. Good stuff Anto, was I on the hill in the back ground,,lol,, see you there. More than likely,LOL
  11. Nothing to do with the lads in Rosscre,that was the Birr thread you where reading
  12. Bother and sister the dog is about 24 ..1/2 " and the bitch was about 23 ..1/2"
  13. It does not matter either way,the DNA will be split 50/50 or some might even say that the bitch will give a little bit extra Dna,Some will come more to the dam some the Sire and some will be inbetween ,a friend of mine bred a litter of 1st x whippet bedlingtons a while back,7 pups 2 smooth coated that would pass as full whippets and 5 rough coated 3 had silver blue coats like the bitch ,very soft,and 2 had rough wirey coats
  14. If I gave him nothing at Birr, it'll definately have been because there was others that conformed to the Whippet Standard better than him. That's the reason I prefer judging Whippets than Lurchers. With Whippets you have a recognised standard to work to; with Lurchers, it's basicaly what takes the Judges eye. Birr was a good show, and a few people even came up and thanked me and shook my hand, people who didn't win, even !! Shows are just for fun, in my mind. If your dog pleases you in the field, then you have a WINNER , whatever it's ears are like ! Cheers. I was one of them to co
  15. This lad is must have the worst of breeding then ,but he keeps me and the ferrets well stocked with bunnies, and Chartpolski,is it them ears ,why you never gave him anything in Birr LOL :laugh:
  16. A well kept working dog should look better than any show dog ,never mind colour, scares or the cheese wire collars on the dogs,a lurcher capable of doing well at shows should be a well toned animal ,allowing for a slight bit of extra weight from maybe not working during the summer months but not over weight because weather their working or not they should be getting at least an hour of exercise a day and food cut accordingly to suit it's regime . But the show dogs will be more popular at shows if the working dog lads refuse to show their with the attitude that it is only for show ponies.
  17. its easy to make your own money making breed springer x english pointer , = pringle golden retriever x collie x springer = golden sprollies husky x lab = huskador :laugh: Bull dog x Shih tzu = bullshit
  18. I was not going to comment on this ,but I have never judged lurchers before at any show,I have judged whippets,but have kept ,worked raced and showed from whippets to deerhounds ,and for me to pick the man before the dog would be harder than picking the dog with the amount of lads I know and have worked lurchers with over the years,there always seems to be someone willing to rock the boat before a show even begins,and i would put money on it that they have more than one profile on this site,If you have a problem with the way i judge on the day come and say it on the day ,don't come on here fa
  19. Pat just got that specially made and the steel was still hot, Well Graham that heavy graft is back to its self now,if a few inches shorter :laugh: I hope it serves ye well slicing through that nice West Meath top soil :laugh:
  20. Pat just got that specially made and the steel was still hot,
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