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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. I bought a lithium battery last year or so ,the cigar lighter connection was a pain in the arse,constantly coming lose while the dog was running,i eventually taped it up but not long after it broke inside it,so i connected the battery plug straight to the lamp,but it just keeps over heating and melting the connection to the battery,it's gone that bad now the plug will not go into the battery.they are great when they are working right but 200 euro for a battery i got one season out of ,is a pain in the arse,is this a common problem with them
  2. There is a difference between a rally and a demonstration ,the rally will bring all the like minded people to the one place to let them know how the campaign is going,if terrier folk,lurcher folk or anyone else who attends to show their support,that will mean they are represented and if anyone feels they are being left out,there will be no better place to ere your views and put them on the spot and ask why. but if the anti's make one little bit of progress on any field sport it is a building block to go on their next one,so any who think lurcher and terrier work is not being supported by
  3. dont,know what paper this was in but ha,ha
  4. I did say half decent bred,No excuse for some of the shit people are breeding from, half the time they dont know how their bred thats why you hear names like chinaman,jeep,redboy dogs from years ago being named,Names that anyone can find on the internet.Saying that reasonable lurchers are still being produced out of so called pet bulls so it goes to show that you dont really need to be using a pit ace. But what would you use if ye had a choice
  5. best place for that ,the dog bed
  6. yeah he is a cracker hope he works out for you. keep us posted on progress Will do
  7. thats what i was saying Wilko,i will see how the wheaten x works out and in time if he is worth it breed lurchers from him,the breeding there ,so there should be no problem in him ,producing decent fox lurchers to the right bitch
  8. I hope you mean Boudreaux and not Bordeaux ?.........lol Yeah mate a sticky R on this laptop
  9. Boudreaux x mayday lines, the father of my wheaten x ,i would love to put him to a greyhound bitch,but i think i might just wait and see how my wheaten x fairs out and use him as a base to some lurchers with a tried and test greyhound bitch ,not on the track but a bit of work in the field.
  10. Nothing a vet will do with that,just keep it clean and kennel rest
  11. this is a planned mating i have for maybe the end of next season if all goes well. the brindle bitch is wheaten/greyhound x collie greyhound and the dog is a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie 10 now so i would like something from him before it's too late and i reckon they should be good on all quarry if their parents are anything to go by. I dont plan on keeping any myself but they will be given to some friends so i will have something to fall back on when needs be
  12. I have a 12 year old aswell,he is into it if we are going lamping but the general walking and excersise of the dogs he is not into it,and sometimes he might even come out with something you would only hear from an antis mouth,but i know it's just his age and the little fcuk knows it really annoys me, but then i do hear him laughing telling his ma what he just said . Your eldest might still get into it and i hope ye enjoy many of years out with the dogs with the kids and congrats on the expecting baby hope all goes well
  13. Nice one lads We named him Conor ,meaning lover of hounds,it's looking like he will live up to his name,he loves the dogs ,he was barking before he said his first word
  14. Thanks mate ,they are like their mothers,hugs and kisses one minute ,the next they are biting your head off
  15. thanks he will be carrying a spade and nets next year
  16. i can just about remember when my lads were that age Properly one of worst idea's going,he loved it so every time i pick up the leads,he might want to come with me
  17. Brought 15 mth old son to to the field today for his first mooch with the dogs here's a few pics
  18. I will but im in the North - is that number a mobile? yeah
  19. someone send a message saying they have a bitch for him but she is spayed and see what reply they get
  20. http://www.gumtree.ie/c-ViewAdLargeImage?AdId=399574554
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