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Everything posted by lurcher330

  1. Glad to hear it David ,I asked me mate to get pics of them but he never send them,I will ask him again
  2. Before Jig saw puts it up ,ah leave it out,a kick about in Dublin
  3. Nice pack youve got there mate! look strong and quick, bet they do the job thanks mate they all do the job ,the second pic is belong to a mate of mine Nice looking Animal mate, looks a strongun, did you post a picture of this as a pup and there was some question weather it'd be a handfull or not? Credit to you though ! yeah thats him,he is a handful alright but enjoying rearing him,gone through 3 kennels so far
  4. My mate bred him,but King Kong of here was getting rid of one a while back did he get a home for it and is it same litter has yours mate No it was different breeding ,it was about 18mths old i think ,i will try and find the thread and bump it up for ye
  5. What about the immune system ,I noticed when my yard had a dose of Kennel cough that the purer bred dogs took a bit longer to get over it
  6. Thats a great point,if it is down to 2 dogs and ye know for a fact what one is capable of might just swing a judges decision
  7. My mate bred him,but King Kong of here was getting rid of one a while back
  8. Not a lurcher,1st x wheaten/bull ,but might consider crossing him with a greyhound in the future
  9. Wheaten / greyhound x 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull same again litter mate to the bitch above wheaten/greyhound x collie/greyhound
  10. I have judged a couple of shows during the summer and i have judged mates dogs,but Ireland being a lot smaller and you see the same people at shows all the time ,if we didn't judges friends dogs the rings would be almost empty ,some friends did get placed but only because their dogs deserved it,but the 2 dogs i put up as champions where not the type of dog i would keep my self,a reckon alot of people thought ,i would of picked large rough coated wheaten types but no ,1 was a whippet x and the other was a large smooth dog
  11. but when people try to keep a line more or less pure alot of the time they will be double up on the line,I have not seen any problems with closely bred dogs so just curious
  12. Has anyone had any problems line breeding ,eg deformities or dogs that just dont seem right in the head. and is line breeding the cause of some of the biggest problems KC dogs
  13. Great to meet you aswell,sound bloke have ye started out yet,hope your season goes well. thanksit was the first night i had him out lamping since last season ,and it's looking like he will have no bother with this one ,just hope i still get a couple more out of him
  14. you never know,if you would of waiting for him to come over you might of got the permission,never run ,all they can do is tell you to get out but if you are civil to them could work out to your advantage
  15. Went out with my old lurcher dog last night for a check around some permission i gained during the summer,It is all tillage land so i have been waiting on the crops to be cut to have a look,he is coming into his 10th season of work now and still a pleasure to take lamping and still gives his best,no slip just me the dog and lamp ,just have to hold him up if i'm calling in a fox so he doesn't try and run them too early while their coming in.A few of the fields are cut and baled but most are still long and a few have not been baled yet so the rabbits are sticking close to the hedgerow ,not passi
  16. Danny we are folding to peer pressure ,with all these fcukers stirring shit
  17. doubt it bear,these should only be a few weeks behind them
  18. Anyone with a bit of spear time on their hands,take down the number they want people to call and each time you pass a public phone box, ring it and send them on wild goose chases ,
  19. I have a bitch that has done well at showing and through the shows i have met and became friends with some good people,which IMHO ,that is what they are about and i have have also judged a couple of shows and not once have i picked the person holding the lead,Certain people with their dogs have done well maybe because they know how pick the right pup and they know how to look after a dog and keep it in good nick, that is why they get flagged to judge a show,I have never asked to judge a show i have being asked,and when you judge a show you can never tell if the dog is worked or not,all you ca
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