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Everything posted by matt101

  1. Cheers for the comments guys im very partial to a bit of feathered game so if she turns into an opportunistic hunter and provides more of this type of quarry then ill be very happy. She's flushed quite a few pheasant and a woodcock over the last few outings with the gun and if she works well with it then ill be very very pleased indeed. I just want to get her used to staying close, and dropping to shot so that she does run off expecting there to be something out there to retrieve. She's just shy of 23 inches tts. ill add a beter photo shortly ATB
  2. I let the dogs out into the garden, just about to take them for a walk and the pup goes hammering around the side of the vegetable patch/polytunnel, she was super alert and had obviously spotted something. I thought it must have been a squirell and then a split second later, there was a load of flapping, i though bugger shes nailed one of the chickens and then she emerges from the fence/hedge line with a fat woody in her mouth. It must have been a bit to slow getting over the fence when she made her move. Her first kill at 9 1/2 months, a random one but who cares. ATB
  3. good luck mate, weathers pretty good for it around here, hope your bitch connects with a few. ATB
  4. The barrels are 26 1/2 inchs long, so fairly compact. It handles very well from inside a hide when pigeon shooting.
  5. Italian made Rizzini B. Marcheno V.T. 20 Gauge in excellent condition. Over/Under, selective barrel, split ejector. Chokes are Improved cylinder and modified Lightly used and still nice and tight, no dinks, dents, bulges etc. Bluing is very good, a couple of very tiny scratches here and there but you have to be looking close to notice. Wood is almost perfect, no scratches at all. Nice chequering on grip and forend. Nice engraving on the action, showing scenes of woodcock, pintail and partridge. Both bores are very, very good. Ventilated rib. Only selling as i am
  6. Few pics of my pup taken a few weeks ago at 9 months old. She is now 9 1/2 months and just shy of 23 inches tts. ATB
  7. Nice looking dog, good luck with her ATB
  8. Good luck mate, the cover is still pretty thick but these frosts will soon sort that out. Are you using purse nets or long nets? ATB
  9. Cheers mate, yeh whack some up id like to see how he's coming on. My pup is definitely less hyper than she was so hopefully she's starting to mature. She is VERY keen and I have to be very weary of where I walk her, iv already had an incident that I don't want to repeat. She's 22 inches tts, any guesses as to what she'll make when full grown? Cheers Cheers bud, I'm trying my best so hopefully she'll turn out a well. ATB
  10. Cheers tote. Forgot about this post and thought id stick up some more recent photos, been looking back at my pup when she was tiny and thought it would be good to put some up of her on our most recent ferreting trip out, we had 5 rabbits, and she grabbed all of them in the nets, taking a lot of interest in holes and listening intently when the ferrets are entered. Shes now 8 months old and doing well. ATB
  11. appologies, probably shouldn't have swore.
  12. Grunter f*ck off and start your own post
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