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Everything posted by matt101

  1. buy this one and swap the barrel, probe and magazine with someone ATB
  2. The silencer in the photos, is a hogan decimeter, but gun comes with the weihrauch silencer ATB
  3. I am reluctantly Selling my customised regulated Theoben Rapid Mk1 in .177 This rifle has had a regulator, valve, and silent hammer pip fitted by PhilD (rapid forum). This makes it super consistent, super accurate ( i was getting tight clover leaf groups at 40m and im not the best shot around), extremely quiet as well as increasing the number of useable shots. I have also had the barrel shortened to 14'' and screw cut to take a weihrauch silencer. The thumbhole stock was made for me by stevenb (rapid forum), it is made from laminate birch and really is a work of art. The stock has
  4. Italian made Rizzini B. Marcheno V.T. 20 Gauge in excellent condition. Over/Under, selective barrel, split ejector. Chokes are Improved cylinder and modified Lightly used and still nice and tight, no dinks, dents, bulges etc. Bluing is very good, a couple of very tiny scratches here and there but you have to be looking close to notice. Wood is very very good, couple of very tiny scratches.Nice chequering on grip and forend. Nice engraving on the action, showing scenes of woodcock, pintail and partridge. Both bores are very, very good. Ventilated rib. Only sellin
  5. She's looking really good mate, got a good sized head on her. Atb
  6. Once again people making stupid comments for no reason, why would i want to kennel my pup if i thought it wasnt neccessary? Do you really think that i would be annoyed that my grandparents were petting my pup or spending time with it? thanks again to the people who answered the question and didnt try to pick holes in the original post. ATB
  7. Who said the problem was my grandparent petting it? get the facts before making idiotic posts
  8. This is definitley not the case pretty reidculous comment to be honest, going soft because of her ears getting rubbed?!! I spend every spare minute wih my pup, she goes everywhere with me that i can take her so not worried in the slightest about our bond.
  9. A lot of varied responses from people on here. First of all thanks to the people who actually answered the question i asked and didnt go completley off on one about my grandparents! im not asking about whether i should ask my grandparents to treat my dog in a particular way or not, thats my decision, i was asking about your opinions on kenneling a dog after its been brought up in a house first. The reason i dont want them to look after my pup in the day any more is because they have been letting her up on the sofa, feeding her food i dont want her to be fed, feeding her from the table, i found
  10. Ok so my pup is nearing 10 months and she's lived in the house since 8 weeks, she hasn't experienced any other way of life, never been kennelled etc etc. when I bought the pup home my grandparents (who live with us) agreed to obide by the rules that I stated I wanted to be followed with regards to the way my pup was to be treated, well basically It turns out that they aren't being quite as cooperative as I'd hope and I now want her out of the house and in a kennel so that she cannot be interfered with whilst I'm at work. What's are your oppinions on kenneling a dog after it's been bought
  11. Sounds like hes maturing a bit and figuring it out now, shouldnt be long until he connects with one! I was tempted to go out last night but at the same time im thinking ill wait a bit for some young easy rabbits, i found young in quite a few does so shouldnt be that long a wait till they start appearing. yeh not worth slipping him on anything other than easy ones i reckon. Think i made some progress with my bitch and cold game, did a few nice retrieves with a pheasant so going to work on that as she'll probably see quite a bit of pigeon shooting work from the hide, and want her to be fairly pr
  12. If your interested make me an offer, i need this gun sold or ill part exchange it next week. ATB
  13. Here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/176507-lurchers-working-african-bush/ And here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/302992-saluki-azawakh-greyhound-hunting/ Very interesting read. ATB
  14. Italian made Rizzini B. Marcheno V.T. 20 Gauge in excellent condition. Over/Under, selective barrel, split ejector. Chokes are Improved cylinder and modified Lightly used and still nice and tight, no dinks, dents, bulges etc. Bluing is very good, a couple of very tiny scratches here and there but you have to be looking close to notice. Wood is very very good, couple of very tiny scratches.Nice chequering on grip and forend. Nice engraving on the action, showing scenes of woodcock, pintail and partridge. Both bores are very, very good. Ventilated rib. Only sellin
  15. Nice dog dirt winger what's his breeding? Does he catch much or is he mainly for flushing to the falcon. ATB
  16. Cheers for the comments lads, she's a collie/whippet/grey. Atb
  17. Yeh she's doing alright mate, she's a funny little thing though, she won't often retrieve cold game and she's not too keen on retrieving pigeons unless they are flapping a little bit lol. Warm rabbits are fine with her though. Yeh I was told they were born April 4th which makes them 9 months and 23 days. Yeh it will be good to see what they are capable of. my bitch has really packed on the pounds over the last 2 weeks and she's getting quicker too so I think I can feel another trip out lamping soon. Nice dog billy boy ATB
  18. Yeh sounds a bit taller than mine, to be fair i dont really mind what size she makes either, and i cant see her getting much taller than she is now, just more bulk. Yeh they seem very quick to me, not that i can compare to another lurcher as this is my first but she can accelarate very quickly. I know what you mean about not leaving dispatched rabbits alone! mine needs constant reminding to 'leave it' shes just so keen to get at anything furry lol. Yeah i'm sure his retrieve will be fine if you make it a more regular part of your training, but i wouldnt go mad with retrieving, i think i we
  19. Good stuff, well done to you and the pup! He's looking fantastic, what sort of size is he? It's great when they start taking notice of the warrens, mine still wants to hunt further up the hedges if the rabbits take their time to bolt, but i guess she'll soon realise to stay put and concentrate on the job at hand. How was he when you were out? ATB
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