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Everything posted by matt101

  1. yeah the reeves is a stunning bird, especially if its in the sun light. The silkies are my personal favorite and im planning on getting/breeding as many as i can come this spring. matt
  2. Thought id add these pics This is one of the golden pheasant chicks , the day it hatched This is the same male golden from the first pics but before he had molted out his imature feathers completely And finally the female reeves, ive played about with it in photoshop and thought that the sepia effect looked quite good cheers matt
  3. yeah im quite pround of my little babies lol It all started will 4 runner ducks when i was 15 (i think) and now at 18 i have about 40 birds. hoping to make a bit of money out of them this spring to help pay for feed etc. I have the octagon 40 which is a superb incubator and ive had some very good hatches including the turkies, reeves,golden,silver pheasant and loads of chickens. thanks for the replies matt
  4. few of my birds taken with new camera bronze turkey hen bronze turkey stag feeding from hand bronze stag silkie hen silkie cock male reeves pheasant female italian quail goose male golden pheasant male chinese quail hope u enjoy there we go
  5. no longer for sale check ebay if intrested
  6. Thanks a lot pegandgun. Ill give that a go sometime this week and see if i can get hold of some of the squirells that have been nicking my chicken food(ill try to post some pics aswell). cheers matt
  7. Hello everyone, Does anyboy know where i could get hold of some spare triggers for some 116 body grippers? as the wires on a couple of mine have broken off leaving a single trigger wire. If anybody knows how to repair this problem could you please let me know the best way and with what materials. thanks matt
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