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Everything posted by BEARINATOR

  1. Nice shot mate, i'm out tomorrow with the hw100
  2. I normally go for the back or chest, i've only ever had a couple of head shots
  3. When i used to run lurchers i used to get pulled all the time, the best was up at jedburgh and when they asked what we were doing i said making a video they told us to turn round and go back 50 miles to make a video. I've also been out and getting chased back to the car i jumped in the boot with the lurchers, eventually the police pulled the car over and when they checked the car they jumped a mile when they seen me in the boot cuddling in to the dogs. They must of thought i was a dead body
  4. Pidgeons, crows and magpies although pidgeons are my favourite of all the quarry species
  5. Good luck, i was supposed to be out tonight but its been raining all day
  6. Let the lurcher see them in the hutch first then introduce them to him. Let them run through a couple of rabbit sets and if any bolt the lurcher should chase them and he should see them as allies rather than something else to kill. Just hope the ferrets don't nip him as that will almost certainly make him kill them. Good luck mate
  7. With him being used for ratting he should have a good nose for bushing and if he's seen quarry going to ground then his instincts should make him follow, i know someone who's pure border didn't start working properly till it was 5 then it became a top working terrier
  8. Hello and welcome to the site mate
  9. It's hard to get permission at first with a airgun but as rich said ferreting is a ideal way to get the farmers trust and once you have one he'll be able to get you more
  10. At my old flat i used to have a 4 foot fish tank filled with compost and soil and the worms used to breed like mad in it, but even when the trout fishing season ended i had to keep checking in it for dead worms as once a worm dies any others that come in contact with it dies
  11. Excellent post lads, keep it up. I would love a go at a chalk stream as the fish are easier to spook as they are all wild fish. I reckon they would be nicer tasting than stocked fish as well
  12. Good shot mate, good pictures as well. Keep it up
  13. Thats a cracking bitch big e, gilly try running dog addiction, any of frank sheardowns or brian plummers books. Merle was the first lurcher book i read and i've been reading dog books etc, ever since or join a lurcher club if there's one near you, as there members will help you out and take you out to show you the ropes. I'll have a look through my book collection and if there's any lurcher books i'll give you them
  14. Keep it up cometa, theres nothing better than being out and about in the countryside hunting away, as long as you have fun doing it
  15. I've had it happen a couple of times over the years but i've also shot one through the ears and it was dead instantly probably with shock
  16. Nice dog mate, i hope you have a good season
  17. I've had a few this year, but on one of my local permissions they have just about been wiped out I was hoping to have a good season on there as it's only 30 minutes away on foot
  18. Good on you grim, just watch he doesn't spend all your money on a new gun and gear.
  19. They should make good all rounders as he spends most of his time just playing and excercising them (best way) but the land we were on is heavily populated with coneys so we have even more good nights ahead
  20. I'm sick of the rain, it doesn't really get busy on the banks here. If you want a trip out tyne tyke pm me and i'll sort something out although its nearly the end of the season, but if you want to come out next season then i'll happily show you some spots mate. Me and my mate had 22 fish in 1 morning, all keepers as well but we put them back
  21. It was caught on a size 10 hook and a nice big fat garden worm, i gave up fly fishing a few years ago. I had just cast out and before the worm could settle it grabbed it and the fight was on for 15 minutes. It jumped 3 times and did numerous zigzags when i first saw it i couldn't believe the size or beauty of it. It was even better eating it
  22. I've just been in touch with my friend and he's picking me up either monday or tuesday, as i don't drive so i'll get some pictures of the dogs then
  23. Nice shot mate, i seen 8 mobbing a fox cub at the start of june and the poor cub didn't know what to do
  24. If not a shock collar try tying a good length of rope to its collar and when it pulls yank it back like with recall training, but my friend had to retire his dog as it wouldn't leave the sheep alone
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