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Everything posted by BEARINATOR

  1. they are good guns, i got rid of mine and ended up with a smk xs78 although i prefer the crossman you have just got to watch c02 for the cold as below a certain temperature they don't perform well, they will kill all manner of small vermin
  2. i've got twin town on dvd its a good laugh


    i got a programme from download.com called Mihov image resizer, thats what i use when my pics are too big or the wrong format
  4. when it happened with my smk i put a new c02 bottle on and fired into soil, i wouldn't recommend continuosly doing it though
  5. vetzyme bedding is good mate as you can put it in the washer and it dries like new, just keep feeding her the same food but a bit extra as it will take the weight off her feeding pups


    click on my controls, then edit avatar, then upload your pic mate
  7. Nice pictures anyway Mad Al, it's always nice to see birds of prey
  8. Make sure she is getting a bit extra food and less excersize, make sure you get her used to the whelping area before she is due so she is comfortable in it. Terriers normally whelp without any problems but pre-warn your vet of her due date just in case. Good luck with your litter
  9. Get the bottoms off 2 spent 12g cartridges and drill a hole through the middle of them and push them together, it works a treat for me mate
  10. the joy of a versatile lurcher, my old 2 surprised me a few times
  11. deer for me preban as thats what i used to go out most for
  12. good luck with your trip out mate
  13. 2 nice looking dogs, the first one looks like the first lurcher i had deer/grey x collie/grey
  14. ultra multi shot definetly as you never know when you need a backup shot out hunting
  15. :welcomeani: to the site mate
  16. Are you going to cover the dogs with wet white stuff mate, i've got some white stuff here but its not wet, it's like a powder
  17. How many do you go through? as soon as i get a camcorder i'm making a film. I'll sell you a copy cheap
  18. They are cheap enough anyway, i get discount for bulk buying and it wasn't coffee that got spilt
  19. It's in mint condition as it's just out the box although the other one got hammered
  20. I forgot to say before he has heard that he was scamming people but he wasn't
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