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Everything posted by BEARINATOR

  1. Cracking pictures Andy, Pencoed hunter the season should start back up at the end of september unless there is still too many young ones about or the famer is getting plagued by them then get out there and do it for pest control although there is more lie ups with young to ground but it's worth the digging to keep the farmer happy
  2. Nice looking pup mate good luck with him
  3. Welcome to the site mate, how are you shooting is it free standing or resting on something, as if your resting on something a springer can jump causing accuracy problems
  4. Good luck mate, we are going out with the ferrets and terrier tomorrow as well
  5. B.a.s.c, s.a.c.s or the cla do it. Can't remember the prices off hand, b.a.s.c is the best i would say as most farmers recognise it
  6. 2 nice looking pups there, good luck with them
  7. Nice pictures, looks like you's had a good day out
  8. Good luck with your wifes operation mate, my brother is in on the 27th getting his hips done and he's only 30
  9. Heres my friends, it's 6 but been a good all rounder
  10. Mine was lurcher to lurcher, it had a bit of everything in and did all quarry day or night
  11. I can't wait for the wild brownies plus it's a excuse to get a new rod or 2
  12. Hello and :welcomeani: to the site mate
  13. You might have to resize the pics mate
  14. Nice pictures terrierman 1977, it's nice to see the deer out
  15. Looks like you and the dogs have had fun mate, you can't beat a spot of ratting
  16. Hello and :welcomeani: to the site mate
  17. Well done on the rabbits mate, i once had a rabbit at 58 yards with 2 witnesses, although i misjudged the distance when i took the shot. I don't like taking long range shots normally
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