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Everything posted by BEARINATOR

  1. Hello and welcome to the site mate
  2. Hello and welcome to the site mate
  3. Heres a link to the review centre for it mate http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews3388.html It's got a good review and write up
  4. I used to shoot them but i would not fancy eating them
  5. Hello and welcome to the site mate
  6. Hello and welcome to the site
  7. Hello and welcome to the site mate
  8. Felton fences has just been stocked with a 1000 carp last thursday mate
  9. Nice to see Jigsaw mate, that second picture made me laugh and you certainly get attached no matter what the animal is
  10. cracking dogs toplamper and jackarmstrong, i've just getting a 5 month old 21" tts deerhound/greyhound dog tonight before i went fishing (pics to follow), i'm hoping it makes 26 - 27" but fingers crossed that it makes the grade in the field never mind the height. It was supposed to be in the kennel but it's lying in bed under the quilt and my lass thinks i'm soft with them
  11. Possum she had 9 in a previous litter so she's from a big litter, in my experience, so she would have about the same 7 - 10 i'd say, good luck with the litter anyway
  12. You get more lie up's this time of year due to squealers, baby rabbits, but when it gets cold try again as the rabbits don't breed during the colder months
  13. Swanseajack i'm with Bog Road Lamper, where's the bedlington in the picture, don't say to ground LOL
  14. I've seen Jpton with her dogs and she's a 100 percent for them same as Angelic Acid off here he's gave a black terrier away rather than take money off MUGS that pass there dogs on at the first chance
  15. Download off the first one under a mirror hosted by safernetworking
  16. Whats the staff crossed with as i used to have a staff/labrador, but yours looks pure to me
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