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Everything posted by BEARINATOR

  1. I would separate them as far away as possible as the second hen might want to breed with the better singer
  2. GM any sightings around the old lambton estate lately mate, sometimes walk the dogs down the river Wear past it to have a poach
  3. Bet it’s been mistaken for a cat more than a few times
  4. I like calling the barn owls in mate
  5. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/black-panther-spotted-walker-worried-160000383.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABw63yjOWWxL1wj1TXWuqLx-4bM-0SvysL88ythj1503Oe0e8Xr8cvIRotO1koplecZ_VpovOcWREynoVK1fT6Hl-IIIWLMB2FFtGVrAW-rE87vvC1_EhtQi8NMyuRBhFpuBa5B0lYUU2sTbEbm4Yo-2u27KV17L6GjuNeJmM_uw
  6. Too much light pollution has the blackbirds and robins singing all night
  7. The birds are starting to come back to life, I love listening to them till the canary’s wake up and join in
  8. I like a happy ending as most people just think they are gone forever and get another straight away, nice one mate
  9. Corgis and a couple of others but not many carry the genes needed, so collie is the obvious answer
  10. Fooking merle whippets say no more, pet shite mongrels
  11. Awesome cash the mk1 Mexico
  12. Trout and coarse fishing, not sure carp but loads of roach in when bait fishing the trout
  13. Excellent place mate I am up that way regularly and some excellent views
  14. Miss the days you didn't need a computer to fix cars
  15. Yes mate so nice to have a place for cages as well
  16. Excellent photo that mate, quite a few wild goldies here and loads of the European ones but hard to get a good look at them unless around the aviary when I had the birds in. Loads of bullfinches as well but I think goldies are the best looking
  17. Can’t beat a aviary with singers in @lurcherman887
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