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Everything posted by BEARINATOR

  1. Same bloke that complained about junkies down his way as well the hypocritical twat
  2. Selling jail smack you divvy admitting it haha At least mcescobar doesn’t admit to nothing on here
  3. Don’t need a license to hunt with a air rifle, permission off the landowner is needed and respecting the law for each pest you control. Welcome to the forum as well
  4. Ain’t heard any near the angel yet but hopefully they will be here soon
  5. Lucky to see a rabbit here but any idiot should know a daytime bunny going for home is a hard target compared to one running from home
  6. They are ok but loads get the streams blocked then the year subscription is useless, my pal does them and I just get it for the stuff i want to watch
  7. Wicked trying to shoot tubes after using bands for years
  8. Wasp or that one already posted, I am thinking of getting a clip one as easier than tying bands on so might be worth you getting a clip type as loads are swapping to them https://www.waspslingshots.co.uk/product-page/new-wasp-logo-printed-uniphoxx-slingshot-kit
  9. GM you sure there are no yetis, even Charty will know this north east spot and the bit story behind it Yeti experts head north to hunt the Bolam Beast WWW.THENORTHERNECHO.CO.UK A TEAM of researchers is about to arrive in the region to investigate reports of a Geordie yeti.
  10. Stopped doing it but they were the good old exchange and mart days
  11. If it’s on it’s gone
  12. That was his next training once hitting ground targets pal haha
  13. Wasn’t something I thought she would fly as they are mousers but she had a evil streak in her, she even clamped on the male and killed him putting them out to weather
  14. Blanked but was better than sitting in the house bored
  15. Kestrels will take pigeons mate but it’s a mismatch, my female used to get dragged off them
  16. Love goose eggs straight off the allotments
  17. Yes and sometimes you get more young to the sticks as aviary birds are generally stronger than caged ones
  18. Better than fools leaving them though
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