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About Westland11

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Hi folks, been away for a wee while so not been on here, but anyway, regarding BARF supplys in Scotland Recently the company I was using to supply all my BARF type stuff ceased trading and I had difficulty finding another supplier so for anyone else who may be having difficulties getting hold of BARF type food stuffs I have found a new company who deliver to your door, cash on delivery. They do a mixture of Tripe, beef, Chicken , heart etc All fresh from the abattoir. They also do the various dried foods, ferret foods, I will also add that I am in NO WAY AFFILIATED with th
  2. I'd just like to start off by saying that I am in no way affiliated to Strong Stuff, do not know him and have never met him, but I am a great believer in credit where credits due, The first words that popped in my head on opening up the package were "work of art" they really are cracking collars. VERY well made and really will last a lifetime. He was also more than happy to accommodate my own requests. Top bloke with a top product and at excellent prices, Keep up the good work Ps, they wont be to everyones taste
  3. I will always insure all my dogs from now on after the experience with my last dog Had my last dog insured with Tesco, but after racking up close to £10k (yes you read that correctly) of vets bills they are still arguing over paying out for certain things, and I lost the dog last August!!! So I wouldn't really recommend them Have heard good things about Pet Plan, fast payments and not really limited to a certain amount per injury, although I've been quoted £45 per month for my 3. one thing I would ask is, have you insured them as 'lurchers' (higher insurance risk) or just 'large
  4. As per title Is there anybody in Fife who has a hob with a stunt cock, I’ve got 4 jills who have come into season and I’m looking to have them serviced, not looking for kitts this year so anyone with a hobbled hob whos looking for his hole PM me with your details and we can get something arranged. Thanks in advance,
  5. I've got the brother to yer bitch here, 6.5 months out of Choco x Teagun, 27tts the now, I'll get some photos for ye later
  6. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, admin please feel free to remove to correct area. Not sure if this’ll interest anyone or not but; Myself and my mate have just got a new permission with a huge rabbit problem and we were wondering if anyone with a bird would like to come along and fly it alongside our ferrets. I myself have been out a couple of times hunting with Harris’ but my friend has never seen one in action and I’ve told him there’s nothing more impressive . Due to not having the time required to keep birds ourselves I thought the best option for us to see a bird
  7. if you know any websites could you post a link plese bud? Ive tried looking but cant find anything. Cheers All the info you need here http://www.motherearthnews.com/Modern-Home...bbit-Hides.aspx
  8. Theres a good article here on tanning rabbit pelts, it mentions the battery acid solution you mentioned but also mentions another recipe for the tanning solution, both recipes are on page 2 of the following article. http://www.motherearthnews.com/Modern-Home...bbit-Hides.aspx
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