Glad to welcome you to the world of wildfowling plenty of mud sweat and tears,suggest you get in touch with B.A.S.C. for a club near your home.I am sure they will make you welcome.Good luck.
a few years ago we got our hands on a pile of bananas which were well past there sell by.we fed the ponds with them and the ducks went mad for them,and i swear the ducks we took tasted slightly of banana when cooked.
Hi small bore thanks for your reply how does that attatch to the decoy?
the line from the clip is attached to the decoy and the clip is is attached to the main mother line.
about to get f.a.c and looking for some advise on moderatly priced rifles and scopes for rabbit and foxes.lower calibre for rabbits and a more powerful rifle for the foxes .many thanks from greylag.