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Everything posted by rabbithunter2008

  1. What about that croc? Never heard any more about it
  2. There has got to be a big cat out there some where. When i lived in Staffordshire,If there was a big cat in the chase somebody might never see it But on the other hand if some body let a big cat go,They might not be scared of humans has they would of being fed by them before let go :crazy: And as for the post earlier saying the bloke with gun was to scared to shot How many times can you read people having a go at air rifle shooters even fac air rifles say DON'T shoot geese etc What the if it was rough shoot surly not right ammo to kill the beast
  3. Thats the only good thing i don't use any pellets for slugs. It's just all that slime around her face not good
  4. Hi there, had to stop my ferret eating a big slug again is this normal? Cheers
  5. WOW how much spare time do some people have? Anybody know where to buy condoms in bulk
  6. Even fishing with rats on the banks or in the water can be enough to catch it! If you go down to Holme Pierrepont National Water Sports Center there are signs warning of it
  7. If you keep getting s**t of people who phone the police. Just call the police before you go out and tell them what your doing. That what i have to do on one of my golf clubs. A pain in the ass but stop knob jockey's calling fed.
  8. Hi all, Nottingham lad just getting back in to shooting air guns after 9 year break. Like shooting rabbits most weekends.
  9. Hi there is gun still for sale? also where do you live. thanks
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