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Everything posted by Fletcher

  1. Try www.falconryforum.com theres a load of welsh boys on there.
  2. Fletcher


    Despite what some people might say about her I thnk its got to be good for British falconry to have her back, we need as many "experts" as possible fighting our corner at the moment.
  3. That's good for the first season, you gotta be pleased with that. Do you ever just free fly him without the ferrets? If I remember rightly from your pic's you've got some excellent hilly flying ground perfect for some soaring flights.
  4. In retrospect I could have got so many more, I was trying to fly him to high, every time the temperature dropped I was raising his weight slightly and therefore wasn't 100% commited. Also I tended to overfeed him on his rest days. I've learnt from my mistakes so I'm hoping next season will be more productive. I should have the dogs up and running by next season if I can stop the bird nailling them. How did you get on? Do you do all your flying off the fist?
  5. It was a excellent season, finished a month too early due to him being dragged down a rabbit hole. Ended up taking 26 rabbits plus a few other beasties. I was delighted with that as I didn't use a dog or ferrets. Learnt a lot, will be doing a few things different this coming season, can't wait to get back at it.
  6. Sorry for laughing, it was just the bit about the rabbit and the tennis ball, sorry it wasn't meant to be negative, I just found it amusing. What do you plan on hunting with your Patterdale? Sushie, it is possible to have a working patterdale with its face intact.
  7. You can't beat a Harris Hawk in adult plumage!
  8. I put my MHH up in Feb, he's dropped his deck feathers and 6 secondaries. The decks are 2/3 grown and I can see a couple of secondaries coming through.
  9. My 16 week old pup looks like one of his ears might stick up, about what age do the ears prick if they're going to?
  10. Don't be buying any books yet, I've a shed load you can borrow. PM me.
  11. Fletcher


    Amen mate.... . i'll tell you when we talk.. Tony......... The pics are sick...delate them if you want mate or i will if you tell us.. So what is the story with that bird? Is it recovering?
  12. Fletcher


    Thats just sickening, I can't believe it. To Paul, I read quite a few books before I took up falconry, it was something I'd always wanted to do, when my circumstances were right it then took me more than a year to study falconry, build my mews, make and aquire equipment, and to do a course, anyway the book I found most helpful and made most sence to me was "Hawking and Falconry for Beginners" by Adrian Hallgarth, just my opinion, take your time and good luck.
  13. Nice photo's mate, where abouts in Scotland was you?
  14. I'll stick with my male Harris, the only other bird I'd fancy would be a female Sparrow Hawk but that'll be years away.
  15. Mate you can get a Tardac injection from the vet it simulates castration, it lasts for about a month, worth doing before you have his balls off. Personally I think castration's a load of bollocks.
  16. http://img77.imageshack.us/img77/4787/picture6cd.jpg
  17. Hi mate You could get a Tardac injection for you dog which simulates castration, it last for about 4 to 6 weeks, it would give you an idea of how your dog will perform castrated. Fletcher
  18. Hello Fletcher, I am merely trying to help a lad from getting ripped off as he was asking for advice, yes plenty of lads will sell him a way overpriced pup but I was just trying to help him steer clear of the money men. Usually a cheaper litter of pups will come from lads who first and foremost work their dogs, they are more interested in keeping a line going than making money. I have bought plenty dogs , but hate the dealer type trade that comes with terriers and lurchers. It f****d the Borders, f****d a lot of Russels (white Lakelands my arse) and is going a long way to f*****g up t
  19. Hi Moomin I'm new too, let me know when you find out how to post a pic, I'm struggling here.....
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