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Everything posted by Fletcher

  1. I use balance for my harris, but if I had something a spar I'd definatly go digital
  2. Good luck with her, let us know how you get on.
  3. Fletcher


    There's a few in the Perth area, the best thing to do is get in contact with the British Falconers Club, they will pass your contact details to local falconers.
  4. Fletcher


    What part of Scotland mate?
  5. Raw meat and veg, easy do it for a tenner a month. My butcher sell's dog meat, basically all the scraps minced, 30p a pound, add some raw veg and some rice or pasta if you want. Theres some good threads about it on here or other sites. I've fed my dogs this way for a while and they've never looked so good.
  6. Fletcher


    Could be the stress of the move, probably start again soon. I notice with my MHH that when weather was warmer and sunnier a few weeks ago he was dropping more feather, now its cooled off he's slowed up.
  7. There's 2 things that ruin dogs, women and kids. Did think i could smell mince, I thought it was the Johnston's pie Nipper had for dinner.
  8. Fletcher


    I was told the heads would put the bird out of condition, apart from that I don't like the idea of my hawk eating pussie myxy rabbit eyes when I've got healthy heads in the freezer.
  9. I didn't notice that, but I did wondered what Nipper was eating. Probably just excitement.
  10. Fletcher


    Yes, I fed my hawk a few myxy rabbits last season with no problems, but I was advised not to feed the heads.
  11. I was just out for a walk early this morning with the dog and found these 4 rabbits, they'll keep the hawk fed for a while. :whistle:
  12. I had an excellent time, it was a great buzz, me and Thurso did as much running as the dogs, how we didn't break our necks I don't know. Thurso dog was a joy to watch and done well considering how differcult the place was to work.
  13. That's just rude :realmad: :aggressive: .
  14. Fletcher


    My fella has dropped 15 in all, almost half way through, So I'm hoping for the end of August. :wacko:
  15. Fletcher


    She's looking proud of them new feathers, how many has dropped?
  16. No, Loch Hempriggs at Thrumster. Not far away.
  17. Cheers guys, it took a few months to complete. After a full seasons use theres a few thing I'll change after the moult, but overall I'm very pleased with it.
  18. Fletcher

    Avairy pics

    Nice one mate
  19. It tidier than my house too,
  20. Hoping to have the GSP up and running for next season.
  21. It was a nice day so I took a couple of pic's of the avairy inside and out.
  22. What will you do different next season, if anything?
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