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Everything posted by Fletcher

  1. We'll have him on the rats by the end of season, he was looking good the other night.
  2. Here Mik I'm glad you kept some of that roe for yourself, they must be the best fed dogs in the north, hopefully next season that Thurso Jack'll keep me supplied with the odd beast.
  3. Yeah both my dogs overall condition has improved, they're full of energy, he's not had a loose shite since he's been on it and no farting. Thats gotta be good!
  4. Heres the boy a month on, starting to fill out a bit and still on the barf.
  5. How you doing, where about in NZ are you mate, my sister in law stays in Aria on the north island, we're going out early 2008, I'm planning a bit of pig hunting, missed out on a trip last time we were over, so I'm preparing early this time. What dogs are you using? :welcomeani:
  6. Fletcher

    ladder training

    One chick a day should be bringing his weight down nicely are you de yoking it? Have you managed to get him on the scales yet? When you say big bits of chick how big do you mean?
  7. Fletcher

    ladder training

    Whats his weight now, and how much are you feeding him?
  8. Fletcher


    that pic is so full of shite what the f**k was you thinking of posting that pish ya tit ........... What do you mean by that? Are you saying that pic's a fake, or the story is untrue, or are you worried what the anti's will think? That picture's got f**k all to do with falconry and hunting that bird was released by wildlife rescue do gooders. Whats your problem? DS yes mate your right, I doesn't bare thinking about, what could happen when birds like these get into inexperianced hands.
  9. Fletcher


    Heres one thats not so good, it was taken in America, the story goes it was an imprinted sea eagle, some bright spark decided that it would a good idea to release it into the wild, this is what happened when it got hungry.
  10. Fletcher


    I know its getting away from the tread a bit but heres one I like.
  11. He was hunting at 1lb 5oz, he's at 1lb 6oz today, he'll be 1lb 5oz when I fly him free for the first time this season then bring him up to about 1lb 5 1/2oz.
  12. He's coming to the fist instantly on the creance, had him in and out his travel box last night, and will see about picking him up off the lure tonight, I need to bring him down at least another 1/2oz before I think about flying him free, he's bating a fair bit but that should improve when weight comes down and a bit more manning. I'm planning Tuesday for free flyng/hunting. Whats the chance of a rabbit on our first outing? Sean, how's Rolf coming on?
  13. I've got my eye on a Honda CR V, it's got to be a family motor as well as for Falconry etc, it'll only be use on farm track and fields, does anyone have any experience of them?
  14. If that picture is anything to go by I'd say you are feeding her too much.
  15. Am I right in thinking the fourtrak only comes in a 3 door, what size of diesel engine do they come in?
  16. Cheers Foxdropper, I can just see the wifes face, if I came home in that, I'd have live in it. lol
  17. Cheers chap, has anyone driven the grand vitara, X trail, rav 4 or cr v or fourtrack.
  18. I'm after a 4x4, it needs to be 2.0 diesel 5 door enough boot space for a dog box. I've looked Suzuki grand vitara, Nissan x trail, Rav 4, Honda cr v, whats your opinion, whats the best.
  19. Where abouts are you Ricky? A day with Adrian Hallgarth at Pheonix will be an excellent start.
  20. Fletcher

    ladder training

    I was reading Jack Mavrogordato's A Hawk for the Bush today and he recomends ladder training, so don't take my word for it, it just doesn't work for me and my bird. Yeah keep us posted, we need more threads in the falconry section.
  21. Fletcher

    ladder training

    I've never liked the idea of jump ups and ladder training, I think it makes the bird overly focussed on the glove. I perfer to fly the bird hard into the wind, time spent in the garden is better spent in the field. I've flown the bird in a 25 mph wind, thats normal for up here, it's excellent for fitness. :showoff:
  22. Bring him down 1/4oz a day, if he was flying and responding but not hunting at 1lb 5oz last year, then considering they normally fly slightly heavier on their second season I would personally aim at 1lb 5oz as a hunting weight. It seems your bird is about the same weight as mine, so I'd guess he'd start responding at about 1lb 7oz. There no rush, do the same as last year, getting jumping the length of the leash then onto the creance, don't take any backwards steps, if he doesn't come the distance you expect don't go closer leave him until the next day when he's a bit lower. Good luck.
  23. Gradually bring his weight down, take him to where there is a heap of rabbits when he bates let him go. What's his weight now, whats normal flying weight last season, he probably wasn't bothered because he was too high, 7 grams can make the difference between flying and hunting.
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