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Everything posted by Fletcher

  1. Swanseajack, I was thinking the same thing, I can't remember seeing a post where sbs did anything, maybe if he didn't take so many pics of his dogs marking up then maybe the camera batteries would last long enough for us to see the kill. Not really having a go, at least he's trying, anyway bring back ferret king and his fat spaniel.
  2. Fletcher

    Meet Roxy

    Thats one bird I wouldn't want to see frustrated.
  3. How's yer back now, you shouldn't go lifting heavy stuff when you ain't use to it.
  4. Snowdon would be fine, so would Ben Nevis if the weather is good, although the loose stone under foot on the way down is a bit dodgy, but Scafell Pike would be dodgy the last few hundred metres you'll be stepping from one rock to another its pretty hard going when its wet, thats it they send you the same route as they sent us, I done it 3 times and it was the same route each time. Seen a few people air lifted off Scarfell. Good luck, rather you than me.
  5. DS You sure have got alot of wildlife round your neck of the woods. Did you find out how it was getting in and snare the run.
  6. Fletcher


    Turk's your man for lamping advice mate.
  7. I have a copy, but you can't beg, borrow or steal it, it cost me 60 quid, and worth every penny. Have a look on the American web sites you can still pick the odd one up cheap. First editions can go for a few hundred. You could ask your local library to get it in for you. The British Falconry Club have libraries in Perth and London, they lend books for free, but it'll cost you 50 quid to join. Good luck its worth saving up for.
  8. My dogs are getting Ox heart tonight, 3 quid from the butcher, excellent lump of meat, fancy it for me self. :whistle:
  9. He's had a couple of rabbits so far, really just concentrating on his fitness a moment and checking out new permissions, he's far from being up to speed yet. I'm keeping his weight at 1lb 5 1/2oz which is probably a bit high, but as he muscles up he should grow into that weight, I don't see the point of starving him when I'm trying to get him into condition. Hope that makes sense.
  10. In my opinion when it come to feeding a raw food diet to dogs we should offer a variety of different meats and bones, ensuring they get a "complete" diet as possible, I feed mine veg as well but only because they like it.
  11. Can we get back to the original thread now you pair of losers.
  12. Fletcher


    This is a nice pic for a christmas card.
  13. A fiver, that is excellent value. It must be reasuring to know help is at hand if you need it. Thurso that'll be £50 to you pal.
  14. Thurso don't hijack my thread with your juvenile comments, otherwise you'll be banned before you've joined.
  15. I've always been a lone hunter until I met my partner in grime Thurso Jack, I was wondering what goes on at a working terrier club, do they go out hunting or just talk about, I would imagine theres some beer drinking, apart from that whats the benefits of being in a club?
  16. Fletcher

    ladder training

    You really need to try and get him on the scales, if he keeps bating off the scale just gentley and calmly put him back on, and keep doing it until he settles. Don't avoid problems, tackle them head on, things normally get worse before they get better. What distance is he coming for a chick head? I don't think I'd fly far for a chick wing, get inside your birds head, think what he's thinking. If you let us know what stage you're at with him we can help you with next step, normally in the beginning if he's not doing what you want then he's either not hungry enough or not manned enough. The s
  17. Great bird mate, let us know how you get on.
  18. The area I was flying at today, isn't over run with rabbits, theres a few but I choose to fly there today because there are no trees for him to hide in, in case he decided wasn't gonna play. There does seem to be more about this season. It is an excellent place to fly, hunt and live.
  19. You wasn't invited because last 2 times he saw you, you wrapped him in a towel and we done unpleasent things to him, and I was wanting him to come back, give him a couple weeks I'm sure he'll forgive you'll. Did I tell you about the time the brother in law came out hunting wearing a rabbit hat.
  20. Had the bird out for his first free flight/hunting trip of the season, he was weighing 1lb 6oz, slightly more than i would have liked but I needn't of worried as he spot on obedience wise. He put in 4 or 5 short chases after rabbits, but due his fitness and the fact we have a 20 mph wind today he was unsucessful. It was just great to see him free flying and soaring on the updraft from the quarry it seems he's picked up where he left off last season. Heres a couple of pic's as you can see the weather wasn't great.
  21. Well done Sean, my first outing of the season tomorrow, weather permitting.
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