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Everything posted by Fletcher

  1. If knife was made from a kit I bought from www.brisa.fi I'm going to use it for skinning rabbits. I started on the sheath last night.
  2. Here it is finished, sorry about the picture quality, must crack on with the sheath.
  3. Excellent pics mate, well done Archie.
  4. Opps. Game bird though, my hawk can't tell the difference between my patterdale and a crow, can't blame him they're both black.
  5. Nice knives Duckwing, heres one I've been working on, needs more sanding, oiling and buffing. Just a simple one, 3 inch carbon blade, I've shaped the handle out of curly birch to fit my hand perfectly.
  6. Its worth getting sorted, I've only had to use it a couple times when he's killed in cover but don't go hunting without it.
  7. I take a wind meter out with me and record the wind speed in my hunting log, (yes I am a hawking nurd) the pefect wind speed for hunting with my hawk is 8mph, I flew him in a 22mph wind last week, not good for hunting but excellent fitness training, good idea to have the telemetry on. Heres a handy web site for us falconers http://www.xcweather.co.uk/
  8. That is an excellent bit of ground, there's a lot of rabbits, crows, gulls, snipe, woodcock, foxes, and roe deer. But, just beyond the sand dunes you can see in the background is the north sea, so it is quite exposed and is usually pretty windy.
  9. Another good day, one crow and two rabbits, fed up him on each one as I wasn't expecting the next by the time we got back to the car he was as fat as a house.
  10. Well done Jamesy, you could try making a lure out of crow's wings that you've shot. I free fly my bird, that way the bird can get well ahead of you, you can then flush towards it.
  11. I've been trying to get him to take feather since day one but he's never showed any interest then a few weeks ago he took a hen pheasant now theres no stopping him. He'd had several flights at rabbits today but where he was damp from the rain he was a little off the mark, on the way home he was on the fist and spotted a crow on the ground about 50 m away, my bird took off gaining plenty of height, when he was right above the crow he dropped like a stone taking out the crow as it was taking flight. First of many hopefully as theres more than enough crows around here.
  12. Cheers Jake I was thinking that, just playing it safe.
  13. My male Harris took his first crow today, I wasn't really sure how to deal with it, for his first 2 seasons he's been taking mainly rabbit. I dispatched it by spiking it through the eye as it had my bird's leg in it's beak, I let him pull out a few feathers and then called him off with the lure and let him feed up on that. My question is it ok to feed the hawk crow meat?
  14. Cracking pup mate, wouldn't mind one like that meself.
  15. Fletcher


    I always free fly him anyway, so you can call that self hunting, sometimes he goes too far but I just recall him with the whistle, he came back over 500m into a 22mph wind last week no bother. Occasionly have to use the telemetry if he's taken a rabbit out of sight like this morning but not often. Normally I slip him when we arrive at my hunting ground he fly off, soar or find a perch and I'll flush towards him, no dogs, no ferrets, no hassle, just me and the bird. If I'm flushing through long grass of heavy cover he'll sit on the glove or on my head in case I kick something up but most of t
  16. Fletcher


    Well done Sean it's not easy getting video, my bird was flying the highest today I've ever seen him, there was a 15mph wind blowing directly onto the side of a pine forest, he was getting a wicked updraft and just sat up there soaring for ages.
  17. So what were the changes in your dogs after you started using a multi vit.
  18. This SA37, how good is it? What difference does it make? How much does it cost? Is it worth it? Can't we get the same benefits from a balanced diet?
  19. You're doing well mate, I'm only on 18, been very busy at work still getting most day but only for 3/4 hour or so, things should pick up, has he taken any feather yet?
  20. Well done Rolf, how many's that this season mate?
  21. J D you're in luck, Strong Stuff makes leads, I've got one and as I said in another post you could tow a truck with it, it will last a lifetime and of course it makes your dog look well hard, bonus!
  22. Yes Dawn it is on the end, but it wasn't like it yesterday.
  23. My 10 month Patt pup has a lump on one of his balls, just noticed it tonight, don't want to run straight to the vet, as they'll just want to chop them off and I don't want that happening. What do you think it could be? How long do I leave it?
  24. My dog is spending a fair bit of time teathered on a chain at the moment until my kennel run is built and I allow him to pull on lead when we're walking to muscle him up a bit, the width of the collar speads strain on his neck. And I like them.
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