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Everything posted by Fletcher

  1. That's fine if you got 50 rabbits to fly at. lol.
  2. Good thread Sean, what time do you usually go out?
  3. The bird took out a crow as it was taking off, he had it by the wing first, there was a fair struggle, I managed to get the last few seconds on the video.
  4. I never said Hallgarth excited me, I said at last they printed something interesting in the countryman's weekly and I agreed with his point. I also never mentioned falcons. Your right its not rocket science but people have different methods of getting their bird fit, and I was hoping to start a discussion on that subject as some people arn't able to fly everyday, so you haven't put a downer on the thread. You've obviously got issues with Mr Hallgarth.
  5. 21st - 24th June. Royal Highland Show, Edinburgh. 29th June - 1st July. Game Conservancy Scottish Fair, Scone Palace, Perthshire. 3rd & 4th August. Highland Field Sports Fair, Moy Hall, Inverness. 1st & 2nd September. Scotland's Countryside Festival, Glamis. :drunk:
  6. Did anyone see the article about getting a hawk fit, at last they printed something of interest. Basically it was saying the best way to get a hawk fit is to fly in the wind and rain, as the bird has to work harder when his feathers are wet. I have to agree with Adrian, I've never been one for shying away from flying a bad conditions, if did I would never get out, as I've said before I've recalled my bird into 29 mph wind and he coped with that no bother. He was also talking about the pitfalls of jump ups and kite training etc, I've never done jump ups with my bird because I'd rather spend t
  7. Dead rabbit in a larson trap?
  8. He was bred by Hugh Hagarty @ www.highlandhawking.co.uk
  9. Out today, the bird took the first rabbit 50 yards from the car, then after a feed up he took another 50 yards further on, then after another feed I decided to head back to the car and go off for lunch. The bird normally flies back to the car and sits and waits on the door mirror, but today took a drive near the car, when I got there he was stamping all over number 3, couldn't have walked 200 yards.
  10. Cheers Ossie, that sounds bang on, although theres no soreness yet, I'll try e45 cream on it and see how it progresses. Thanks mate.
  11. I must get out on the lamp some more, but if I'd rather get out in day light that way i don't to fall over so much or walk into barbed wire fences.
  12. My dogs nose is going white, it started as a small scar, but seems to be spreading, any idea's why its happening and if there is anything we can do to stop it, as she is ugly enough already.
  13. Well done Sean, hows your dad? Havn't been lamping for ages, I've decided my grounds too lumpy for lamping, :wacko: he will have a rabbit on the lamp by the end of the season, hopefully.
  14. Opps, I love rooks.............
  15. Fletcher

    I Love Crows

    Havn't been out for a few days due to work and bad weather, but managed to get out for an hour today. I was expecting the bird to be a bit rusty but far from it. We stalked a lone crow that was sitting out from the forest about 100 yards away, the bird sat tight on the glove until we were about 50 yard from it, my bird left the fist taking a wide arch of a flight around and high, as my fella stooped in the crow took flight, but it was too late he got nailed 20 feet off the ground. As the bird took off I thought of Turk and that I should video this, but multi tasking is not my strong point, I
  16. I was thinking more like this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/REVERSABLE-CHAINMAIL...1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. You're out of order Sean making your da get out of the car with 2 broken ribs just to take your photo. Only joking mate, had broken ribs myself, not nice.
  18. Excellent mate, nice falconry injury, hopefully you'll have a decent scar to show off for years to come,
  19. Looks like you had an excellent day. Nice pics.
  20. If you're walking a tree line you could try getting a hidden friend to through out a lure a few yrds ahead of you to encourage her to look for the flush.
  21. Should have zipped up your flies better, loser.
  22. Fletcher


    Well done Sean, 100!!!! Nice big crop to celebrate.
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