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  1. Caught this one last weekend as he was "Going Away"
  2. Must admit it was a nice change from the wind and rain we have been out in over the past few weeks
  3. A big thanks to the Anchor Foxhounds for another mad weekend
  4. Know of one thats been missing a couple of weeks now will have a look cheers
  5. "The Dales" a couple of weeks ago as you can see low cloud and fog was the norm
  6. Meet was held as it was O,Bs 70th birthday and all money raised on the day went to H.T.H
  7. Working terrier ornaments on ebay by "B.S" http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290640149128?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290640152809?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  8. I just found this on Ebay i know a few of the lads on here collect them so heres a link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FELL-MOORLAND-WORKING-TERRIER-CLUB-YEAR-BOOK-HISTORY-1977-78-LAKELAND-/150707370635?pt=Non_Fiction&hash=item2316dbfa8b
  9. Was out with hounds at first light over the weekend we were crossing a bridge over a resevior when i saw these geese take of the water as it was blowing a gale they were heading straight towards me, so swung the camera round a got a few shots Any comments good or bad welcome
  10. Superb read a hunting man through and through
  11. observing the two minute silence on 11.11.11 Meet was held as it was "O'B"s 70th birthday who features in the book "try back lads.try back" A painting of a running fox was presented to "O'B and also lyn harber the author of the book made a presentation, a good day was had by all and a right old sing song lastest well into the night
  12. Pride of place in my front room my great grandfather 10960. E. TAYLOR WEST RIDING REGIMENT ( LEEDS PALS) The Somme 1916 They went with songs to the battle,they were young. straight of limb,true of eyes,steady and aglow. they were stanch to the end against odds uncounted, they fell with their faces to the foe. they shall not grow old,as we that are left grow old. age shall not weary them,nor the years condemn. at the going down of the sun,and in the morning, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM
  13. Yes it was in the colne valley country Known locally as "Pots & Pans"
  14. Couple of photos from the joint meet of the Colne Valley and Eton College Beagles
  15. Crashed out about 02.30 got up at about 07.00 the lad i was talking before i crashed was stood in the same place with a double vodka n coke landlady cooking the breaki she hadnt been to bed either two lads who had payed good money for a BnB up the road were asleep next to the pool table Cant wait for later in the year and we can do it all again !!
  16. One from a mad weekend with the Anchor Foxhounds Thanks for the invite and the two day hangover !! The Scarrview Crew
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