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  1. Had a few chooks for the garden and in no time old Rattus norvegicus had moved in (nightmare to get rid of) had them living in the garage, even went out to put some rubbish in the bin and one jumped over me arm Chooks now gone and the eggs from the coop taste just as nice
  2. Still gathering info ect.. last time i spoke to him, a few more people have been mentioned to him who have old press cuttings, photos and information i know he was going up to see OB next time he was up this way,shoul be worth the wait
  3. Smiles all around from Helen Morgan, senior fund raiser at the hospice, and Lyn Harber as a cheque from Lyn's book "Try Back Lads, Try Back" is handed over. The hospice has benefited by over £1,100 from the sales of books to date. Looking forward to Vol 2
  4. So it would seem by entering the comp you are signing away your rights ? As you pointed out " i dont agree" maybe its just me, but it would be nice to get 1000s of hunting photos copyright free
  5. http://www.countryside-alliance.org.uk/ca/campaigns-hunting/hunting-under-the-act-photo-competition-launched Photo comp on the CA website Would like to know whats the general feeling to the statement at the end. "Copyright of images passes to the Countryside Alliance" Is this the norm if you decide to enter a photo competition ?
  6. This was taken on my way up to the Dales,i noticed the sun rising in the rear view mirror so stoped off to take a few shots Double click to enlarge
  7. Taken Sat morning whilst loading the car for a day with the Lunesdale think the telegraph wires spoil it but you know the script out on the lash fri night late home,up early, didnt have time to set the shot up but hey ho ! Double click to enlarge
  8. Taken a few weeks ago at the end of the day Double click on image to enlarge
  9. Half way through "Try back Lads" Great so far,spoke to Lyn last week its not far from been sold out, Also he has started on volume 2,looking forward to that
  10. Good weekend yet again dont leave it so long before your out again All the best to you and yours for 2012
  11. Sorry to hear of your sad loss, all the best for the future
  12. Yes turned up at a farm the next day,it was so vast it was like looking for a needle in a haystack
  13. Took this a couple of weeks ago whilst searching for a lost hound is a large forestry block in Wales
  14. Funny thing is apart from his pathetic atempt to get his point across just imagine mr and mrs average watching the news and seeing some bloke been interviewed on tv with one eye on the reporter and the other watching out for his bus home,funniest thing i,ve seen in a long time !
  15. Local piper playing the hounds in at the boxing day meet
  16. Just moved upfrom a bridge camera to a second hand cannon eos 400d only got back into the camera job over the last year, enthusiastic amature with a lot to learn ! usually print the "ok" ones of and frame them ,then auction them off at hunt do,s to raise a few quid for the hounds
  17. One thing is Romany when you do get one it will take some beating ! always lookforward to your superb photos Any way All the best to All for 2012 And never forget "its not for the sake of the hunted ,not for the trophys or pride but for the blood of our fathers,whos blood in our veins does flow we will answer for ever and ever the challenge of YONDER HE GOES"
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