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Everything posted by biffo

  1. as stabbath said the shadows in the first pic look a bit funny but the second i wouldnt like to guess. if its fake its a good shoop
  2. i hope they have an accident with the chainsaws and bleed to death cold and alone
  3. biffo


    as droid said any outdoor shop, try millets
  4. theres a few on here be pleased to here that LOL im sure there is free meat and a blowjob? what butchers do u go to? anyway on subject... my local butcher, before he closed down, had a maggot farmer collect his carcasses ect. or so i have been told.
  5. biffo

    book reading

    the silmarillion & the children of hurin
  6. nice shooting, shame about the anti twat not having a life
  7. if youve recently had a tooth pulled, as i have, lay off the porridge for a while. oats are buggers to get out of the cavity who wants to see a pic of the tooth that got yanked outta my head?
  8. nothing better than watching chavs hurting themself through thier own inbred stupidity
  9. biffo


    brought it on himself, i have no sympathy for the idiot can only hope the never walks again
  10. ur dad doesnt want it in the house because of a new baby? point out that babies cant open locked gun cabinets let alone load a shotgun
  11. i'll be marching tomorrow as im a scout leader, im appalled about how little respect some of the kids show. last year i caught one of my scouts listening to his ipod while marching. the little sods just dont appreciate the sacrifices made on thier behalf.
  12. biffo

    ross kemp

    seen most of em on youtube, which one is it?
  13. :shout: CILIT BANG! :shout:
  14. a rat with my bsa meteor jesus it seems so long ago now
  15. Well i dont have long to get my arse into gear , i have no idea what to wear given its dec & likely to be freezing wellies, tight trousers, camo jacket half unzipped showing a bit of cleavage & a flat cap
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