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Everything posted by biffo

  1. advise the owner to get a mastiff. taking any weapon into a situation like that would only serve to get u in the crap. just look at tony martin, shoots a couple of p***y lads that had stolen from his property several times and he ends up the one in the nick. if i remember rightly the surviving scum even sued him
  2. biffo

    its here

    happy new year, hope u get plenty of rabbits this year
  3. a pair of pliers or a good ammount of whiskey i had a bad tooth a couple of months ago solpadol and ibuprofen can only do so much tho. needed 2 courses of antibiotics and the tooth out
  4. dont know at all mate but i have to ask what sort of hunting are ye planning that would involve spearing a fox??? You would have to have a throw like RORY DELAP who plays for stoke your not related to Fatima Whitbread are you ??? :D haha i was just wondering, i used to throw javelin u see. idea was id set up a hide and leave some bait up wind but if its illegal as simoman says then fair enough
  5. guys i was wondering about the legality of spear hunting fox in the uk. is the use of spears mentioned at all in law? i cant seem to find anything at all. i could only find a few sites with information about spear hunting, none of them mention the uk.
  6. biffo

    new years eve

    night in with the mrs
  7. was just thinking along those lines but surely it would be £8.3333r? 3 x 8.3 =24.99999r(£25 for the room)? £3 change and £2 snaffled by the maid...equals £30? thats what i meant
  8. quite simply the men didnt pay £9 each, they paid £9.3333r each
  9. a workman with crap tools. in any case unload before climbing over anything, could be your foot next time or worse
  10. biffo

    Who else

    theres no beer left and i think ive eaten my own body weight
  11. excellent news, hope the bugger gets wat he deserves
  12. bugger beat me to it a good single malt or the mrs, i cant quite decide
  13. biffo


    i play poker with the mrs
  14. reasonable force is a very grey area unfortunately, whats reasonable to one man is entirely ott for another. personally i feel its entirely reasonable to use deadly force if a warning to stop is ignored
  15. biffo

    sad people

    you guys are using a proxy right? if they ip ban you you'll not be able to raid em anymore
  16. it should be legal to use any force you deem appropriate to defend your property :realmad:
  17. is it just me or does the girl on the far left have an odd nipple?
  18. i didnt think of that blacktabs... thanks to the EU alot of veggies get wasted cos theyre not the right size or shape... also supermarkets throw away alot of stuff thats reached the sell by date but not the use by date, not just food either.
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