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Everything posted by biffo

  1. you wouldnt want to protest anywhere those languages are spoken anyway lol not if you value your head at any rate
  2. its amazin what they get upset at
  3. is it any wonder muslims are always pissed off? imagine your religion requiring you to wear a dress and your wife to wear a ninja costume.
  4. roses are red, violets are blue i'll f**k you with a rake
  5. biffo


    all this welsh animosity towards the english is because we brutally opressed you for centuries isnt it?
  6. um isnt the essence of democracy the will of the majority? this doesnt look like it to me. the right to celebrate our national heritage is under threat. how long until we all say enough is enough and hang the pinkos running the country?
  7. totally absurd. theyre still allowing cutlery to be sold tho, wether or not cutlery includes kitchen knives i dont know. if it does its even more absurd
  8. giggling fits and jokes about hide and seek thats all im saying
  9. just dont visit a cafe before going to the anne frank museum the voice of experience
  10. ive never claimed any sort of benefits even though ive been entitled to them. why should illegal immigrants get benefits just for turning up without a passport? even if their asylum application is turned down they still get money when theyre flown home at our expense > i cant understand why they get rewarded with benefits and council houses for breaking the law. what sort of messege does that send?
  11. my friends convinced a really thick but pretty waitress in pizza hut that biffo was my real name, it stuck
  12. justice is a joke in this country. only today in the local paper a 19 yo got a 9 month suspended sentance for running over and killing a little old lady on a pedestrian crossing. punishments need to be extreme or people just wont get the messege
  13. if i remember rightly you need an explosives license to posess black powder, if you have any plans to ever get a SGC or FAC posessing explosives without a license on your record would put a serious crimp on those plans. not really worth risking it imo. stick to the smoke bomb (edit to shorten quotes)
  14. where do you get potassium nitrate from? i have seen this method on youtube many times but always wondered where to get it. u can get saltpeter at garden centres, i believe its used to adjust soil Ph. i bought mine online tho saltpeter and charcoal is used to make black powder is it not. with sulfur it is yes. i strongly suggest you dont try making that tho.
  15. where do you get potassium nitrate from? i have seen this method on youtube many times but always wondered where to get it. u can get saltpeter at garden centres, i believe its used to adjust soil Ph. i bought mine online tho
  16. 3 cups potassium nitrate, 2 cups sugar and 1/2 cup red dye powder. melted this into a thick paste and filled a kitchen roll tube with it an stuck half a sparkler in the end as a fuse this wonderful little smoke bomb filled the entire science block with thick orange smoke
  17. stupidest thing ive ever done would probably be either... 1. eating magic mushrooms at the reading festival '04 (back when fresh psilocybe mushrooms were legal, i hasten to add ) ended up taking a swing at some one that had moshed into me, crowdsurfed to the front (after being dropped on my head on the way) and dropped my ciggies only to have one of the security guys step on them . lost my boots and ended up buying a fetching pink, flowery patterened pair for an extortionate price. ended up covered in mud, tripping and dangerously dehydrated 2. dated an incestuous, thieving, cheating
  18. you dont wanna shoot em, it'd damage potentially transplantable tissues
  19. Adolf Hitler is alive and well living in Herts Would the drug addicts have to go cold turkey before or after you've executed them? no, not hitler. im not racist and ive still got both balls. although i would crush all opposition mercilessly if i had the power. as for the addicts i wouldnt execute them unless they had comitted crimes to warrant it. i admit some of that is a tad extreme though Quite moderate compared to some in here haha well youre bound to get a some extremists in any group of over 12000 people in anycase i feel i do have some sound ideas in
  20. Adolf Hitler is alive and well living in Herts Would the drug addicts have to go cold turkey before or after you've executed them? no, not hitler. im not racist and ive still got both balls. although i would crush all opposition mercilessly if i had the power. as for the addicts i wouldnt execute them unless they had comitted crimes to warrant it. i admit some of that is a tad extreme though
  21. well first id install myself as dictator and execute the politicians (seems rediculous to me that we allow idiots to vote for idiots to rule over us), then id repeal the hunting bans and the protected status of badgers. a general curfew for under 18s after 9pm unless under supervision by an adult, bring back capital punishment and backdate & extend it to rapists, multiple offenders, paedophiles, drug dealers and fruadsters as well as murderers. use executed convicts as organ and tissue donors and use convicts to fill the blood banks. expand and properly fund the military. leave the eu and
  22. not easy, but it can be done. there is a fox domestication program interestingly enough click
  23. i hope the bitch dies from an illness that couldve been cured by medicine researched at HLS
  24. so who here would try rat curry? id give it a go once... if the rat was raised in captivity that is, i dont fancy eating a wild one.
  25. personally i think criminals should be made to pay society back in a better way than just being locked away. murderers, rapists and paedophiles should be harvested for organs and lesser criminals should be used to fill the blood banks while theyre in custody.
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