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Everything posted by biffo

  1. thats because ur a few levels ahead of us
  2. lol maybe when i win the lottery....
  3. good god, how do you get .50bmg on your fac?
  4. always keep a hacksaw and bolt cutters in ur boot
  5. i would say a neapolitan/presa canario/dogue de bordeaux cross since thats the dog ive got, but the if the lady doesnt want a huge dog then i'll go with the concensus an say collie
  6. move slowly, take a small back pack stuffed with clothes if u havnt got a bipod, aim between eye and ear, if ur after squirrels smear some peanut butter at the base of a tree as bait, use eggs for fagpies and other corvids and most importantly get written permission from the landowner
  7. biffo


    i'll have £5 on staff x black lab
  8. my pups half DdB with presa canario and neopolitan in the mix, he's been quite easy to train. he can be a bit boysterous with other dogs but i think thats him just bein a pup otherwise hes really quite docile.
  9. jif lemon juice, give em a squirt an the buggers wont come back in a hurry
  10. biffo

    bully buried

    thats what you get for hangin around street corners in silly trousers
  11. any of the fashion type presenters, trinny an the other one, gok wan. id strangle the b*****ds with their matching accesorries if i had the chance
  12. thankyou so much labour, thanks to you i no longer need to take holidays to strange foreign lands because im surrounded my strange foreign people all the time now how exotic
  13. alot here in herts horrible
  14. they play badminton on horseback?
  15. biffo

    Swine Flu

    all this fuss over the mexican sniffles makes me wonder what would happen if a really dangerous virus was to break out. roll on the zombie apocalypse
  16. disgusting. vermin like this need to be taken off the streets, regardless of if theyre underage, and given a long spell in prison. sad that this wont happen because of the touchy feely leftist scum in power
  17. thats lefties for you, a bunch of hammer an sickle wielding pinkos. they'll destroy freedom of speech given the chance
  18. dont piss on electric fences. thats the lesson i learned
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