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Everything posted by biffo

  1. fantastic fallow! only ever seen muntys round here not that it matters as i dont have a FAC lol
  2. cheers bluecoyote, those methods seem to soak the whole hide though. i could find hardly any info on using a bark paste other than "it was sometimes used by native americans". oh well i'll test it out on a rabbit skin and see how it pans out. i'll post the results when i get it done cheers for the info
  3. i knew i shouldnt have opened this thread... now i got a hankering for some venison. while we're on the subject of venison, is there much variation in taste between species? im not sure what species ive eaten before as i only seem to have it on burns night
  4. does anyone have any experience with oak bark paste tanning small skins? as in crushed/ground oak bark boiled up to release the tannins and applied to the flesh side of a stretched out skin. will it damage the fur or cause it to slip and would the resulting tanned pelt be waterproof? any help would be appreciated.
  5. biffo


    thank god ive never caught the intestines. kinda hard to when u sleeve skin the rabbits though...
  6. I had never seen one until 10 days ago; it was sat next to a "normal" on a roundabout on a main A road near to me (big, grassy island with trees & bushes) ive seen a few positivley ginger rabbits around here and a couple of melanistic squirrels but other than that nothing out of the ordinary.
  7. i wouldnt like to think what an sa80 would do to a rabbit but it wouldnt be pretty
  8. nice! thats one to skin. ive never even seen a black rabbit, i'll have to keep my eyes open.
  9. brilliant. thanks SS much apreciated.
  10. well done lad, first of many i hope
  11. all i can say is get permission from a land owner to shoot on his/her land, get a bipod or stuff a daysack to use as a rest, get to know your rifle well (i.e. pellet drop at different distances etc.) and only go for headshots. happy hunting
  12. my personal favorite rabbit dish is my own recipe which i call "bloody spicy rabbit an compot". take a couple of good sized rabbits (strangely i find the tough old bucks particularly good for this one), strip the meat off the bone and chuck it into the pressure cooker with the livers, kidneys, a few chopped scotch bonnet(or similar) chili peppers, a couple of cloves of garlic and a little salt. serve with a compot of veggies.
  13. i know this isnt on topic but i couldnt help wondering if that means i could have a modern manufactured musket on my SGC? ty
  14. 9 rabbits. not exactly a huge haul but each rabbit is a step closer to the fur jacket
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