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Everything posted by biffo

  1. well i didnt expect to get rickrolled on this forum... did u hear rick astley is up for best act ever in the mtv europe music awards? he's gonna win too, mark my words http://ema.mtv.co.uk/vote/#_
  2. theres something about bloodthirsty girls... fancy coming lamping with me?
  3. my ex was/is a bunny hugger, she got right upset with me when she asked what meat was in that stew i made for us. edit for spelling, lol hunny bugger
  4. i dont think u can buy them from websites anymore, it has to be a face to face transaction(?) id ring round all the gun shops in ur area an see if theres much difference in price if i were u tho
  5. hiding in the long grass at the edge of a field i dont have much woodland to shoot on unfortunately, just the trees around the field edges
  6. biffo

    name my dog

    brian blessed hagar foggy benson or superking if ur a smoker whatamess personally id call it brian blessed "brian blessed, stop ragging that rabbit"
  7. not sure if this is the right place for this, if its not i apologise. i was wondering how you lads dispose of your fox carcasses. do you bury them, leave them for the carrion birds or bag them up and bin them? also id be interested to know if you bother to take the skins
  8. dont you just love the sound the skin makes as it comes away?
  9. nice, hope its the first of many. doin anything with the skins?
  10. flecktarn seems to work well for me
  11. they closed that loophole 3 years ago mate, theyre class A regardless now. fly agaric is perfectly legal tho i wouldnt try em as they're toxic
  12. this thread is relevant to my interests. where in herts are u ferreter?
  13. Why is rabbit got poor nutrition then??? cause i feed my lot a hell of alot of rabbits and always thought it was good meat..... T 7 something about taking more vitimins/enzymes to digest than the meat contains i think. and as for the skins they need to be tanned really. im exploring the posibility of doing this with oak bark paste. u can use them for all sorts once theyre cleaned and tanned. a furry blanket perhaps or a furry cap.
  14. dog shit, no. chicken shit, yes. id use cow shit tho.
  15. get urself a demijohn or two, airlocks, a siphon tube, a funnel and a fine sieve. cut up and boil the figs in the biggest pan you can lay ur hands on, strain into a plastic bucket (avoid metal containers completely after boiling) add sugar while still warm(not hot) and stir in. when its cooled add the yeast and cover the top of the bucket with a tea towel/cloth, it'll help keep out airbourne fungal spores and the like. let it rest for a couple of days somewhere warm and preferably dark to let the yeast take hold. then pour it into thouroughly cleaned and rinsed demijohns and airlock them,
  16. fig wine get some good yeast for it so it gets to 15-18% alcohol
  17. is spear hunting legal here?
  18. kno how u feel, took my brother out lamping for the first time tonight an the battery lasted 10 minutes. so we're giving it an hour on charge an headin back out soon
  19. biffo


    idiocy of the highest degree. no other words for it.
  20. keep goin for the headshots with pigeons smear some peanut butter on the tree trunk for squirrels. whole hazelnuts are good too but the tree rats have a tendancy to grab them and run
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