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Everything posted by biffo

  1. biffo


    bring back conscription
  2. reeves pheasants are magnificent even if they do sound more trouble than theyre worth. do you know if golden pheasants are agressive towards other species?
  3. went out this morning despite the mist, didnt see any rabbits which is quite unusual on my permission. plenty of squirrels tho, i shot three of the buggers with the intention of taking the skins and trying the meat. however... the first landed on the other side of the hedgerow so i thought id carry on and pick it up on the way back. the second got stuck up the gnarled old hornbeam it was in and no amount of pellets would shift it the third fell right in the middle of a patch of brambles so i thought " that, i'll settle with the first one." so off i go back towards home along the otherside of
  4. biffo

    Xbox live

    christ how the hell can u play games like cod4 without a keyboard and mouse? how do u aim with those daft little controllers? pc games ftw
  5. how did that yorkie reach so far up his leg?
  6. hi lads, a quick question about pheasant species. i hope you can help do the more exotic species (lady amhurst, golden, silver etc) have any value as gamebirds or are they purely ornamental? thanks -biffo-
  7. you buy a few mummy pheasants and a daddy pheasant, put them in a pen and play them barry white records.
  8. i dont use any other pellets
  9. cant say ive ever lamped pigeons before lol nice
  10. biffo

    hare ban

    u didnt check the law for urself? did the dog take the hare? if not what evidence do the police have that it was indeed a hare and not a rabbit?
  11. buggered if i know mate,u got ur heart set on doin it urself? if not consider gettin a professional to do it
  12. roasted lamb heart stuffed with chopped liver & onions or stuffed with a herby dumpling yum as for beef curtains its better to tenderize them vigorously
  13. yank crap made with maize as well as malted barley. they have the cheek to call it whiskey also it appears oban is quite popular
  14. i think they do, but dont quote me on that. what variety are they? also drink a glass of milk, it neutralizes the capsaicin far better than beer.
  15. far too many, just put the boot in an be done with it
  16. :sick: got a bottle of paddy, had it for years
  17. mine is oban or glenkinchie, cant quite decide
  18. one sheet up, one sheet down and one to polish
  19. usually when someone says "look what me been doing" it turns out to be something disturbing. im pleasently surprised
  20. well sorry lol how was i to know?
  21. biffo


    play along, tell them u have the cash and will meet them somewhere out of the way to make the exchange. when they turn up jump em with as many mates as you can muster and skin the p***y b*****ds alive
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