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Everything posted by tramp1

  1. av got that one a find they are really good leads for pups just starting there trade
  2. thats what a use no had no problem with ma one had it for 5yrs roughly
  3. got everything going for you nice dogs and no bad looking ground for them good luck
  4. sat and read the whole thread but wished i'd never coz i'll be f****d if i know whats happening? snap fenwarrior
  5. good luck with the pup keep in touch and let us no how its gettin on paul73
  6. they should be ready to go to work mate av got a pup at six months cant wait till hes ready
  7. tramp1


    A snowman. well done steathly1 CORRECT always new the Scottish are very clever f**k stealthy1 its me steviebhoy that got that Whats my prize then, is it a holiday? you've won a week eh cleaning out ma kennels well done steve There needing cleaned out right enough, aye eh dugs. there no dugs son they are born killers anyway you can start tomorrow with the cleaning well done in the puzzle
  8. tramp1


    A snowman. well done steathly1 CORRECT always new the Scottish are very clever f**k stealthy1 its me steviebhoy that got that Whats my prize then, is it a holiday? you've won a week eh cleaning out ma kennels well done steve
  9. tramp1


    A snowman. take it you got it wrong stevie
  10. look ready to me mate what age are they
  11. wouldnt like tae go out and water they flowers anyway
  12. a wiz going through a patch like that where a couldnt catch them doing not to bad now tho
  13. dogs retrieved another two foxes last nite had a go at theses to but missed
  14. just like to say thanks for all ur good replys hopefully more pics to cum in future :clapper:
  15. how does get F---ED sound......?
  16. i'll swap you a roe deer fir a kangaroo
  17. if the rabbit is lyeing tight a keep the lamp on it but if its up looking turn it off tae get in range
  18. do you not no ur local poacher he might sell you sum
  19. i have permission fir every green field u see i own them all
  20. oot lastnight dogs retrieved :whistling:a no bad bag
  21. correct saan. a never felt f--k all did u Never felt a thing bud. Never saw him tap either so in my books thats 'FIGHT ON', surely? think you have a point there steve
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