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Everything posted by tullfan

  1. have you checked their ears for canker?look for red wax in the ears,otodex works well if theve got it
  3. along the same lines the batteries for the mark 1 ferret collar (15ft) used to be called r13 does anyone know what they are called now ?
  4. dont be daft it'll bite the postie through the envelope :wacko:
  5. ALL land above the HIGH tide line is deemed to be LAND and ALL land belongs to someone no matter what anyone here or elswhere said/?says.
  6. as said above, all land belongs to somebody , and you need permission etc Along those lines anything above the high tide line is deemed to be land and belongs to someone.
  7. saw kevin about 3years ago, absolutely brilliant,ive even got a hat that says dilligaf on it this is one my favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBWAjn2a3rA
  8. dont agree with the statistics and dont see why this should be a problem unless someone wants a holy war.all religions teach/ preach peace and that we should tolerate and respect other peoples beliefs ps the wee ferret i got off you mate its doin great
  9. in my experience rabbits very seldom go back the way they came, hence some snares set facing towards and some away from burrows. having set many snares for (just a few )years (honest ) ive found if you check the direction the front foot is facing thats the way the rabbit will be traveling dont get me wrong with a dog up its arse its a different story, they try to take the fastest escape route back but this thread was about pegs coming out the ground and thats why i replied to it i hope that makes sense ps didnt think you were having a go MR teapot
  10. How do you ascertain which direction a rabbit will pull when caught in a peg snare? MOST runs be they through/under a fence or in open ground only run in one direction hence the peg should be pointed in the direction the rabbit is expected to be traveling in
  11. i give my ferrets all the bits i dont eat including the guts, but the only thing i would say there is if you feed them fish often they need cleaned out more often as fish attracts more flies due to the smell
  12. yep as The one said its in a tunnel that should do, hopefully gfriends mother will have problem sorted tommorrow ,good luck
  13. as for the pegs being pulled out i would say do the the same as you would when ferreting,point the pegs in the ground towards the direction of the pull. hope this helps
  14. pnut butter is good bait for rats and squirrels, but have you set them in the hole/tunnel or used a pipe etc. the reason i ask is fenn type traps cant be set in the open legally.
  15. wasnt gateways taken over by safeways ,then morrisons?
  16. i think the above posts have answered your question, but good on you for asking and not taking what you were told as read,as i have said to lots of people in the past .its a DOMESTICATED animal handle/treat it as such and you shouldn't have any problems
  17. Hey lads i dint mean to offend but come on lighten up you only live once so live it and have fun! F*CK IT!! Its been deleted anyway thumbs.gif Im off to bed iv got the gym in the morning. ATB migmog. Did i miss something ? Or is it a gay thing because migmog said hes got gym in the morning edited to say sorry i thought he said JIM
  18. have kept ferrets for more than thirty years and never known them to have them (maybe ive been lucky) an old style vet once told me most mustelids have such an acidic gut if they ingest worms they will be digested with everything else
  19. Instead of dock leaves try this.. Snap off a piece of elderberry twig from near the end of the branch, peel off just the bark , spit on it and rub it on nettle stings. Almost instant relief from pain and itching. Well worth remembering. Works on insect bites and stings , been used for years. the sap from the stem of the nettle works just aswell and you dont have to go looking for it
  20. last year we ferreted a bank with over 200 holes with only 50 nets and what we did was net the holes on the outer edges and entered the ferrets in the middle we lost a few but also backnetted a few. i also wouldnt block up any holes as suggested before as i would rather lose a couple of rabbits rather than take the chance of the ferret laying up if you dont have a locator as for the ferret keep trying and if he doesnt come good find him a pet home
  21. Agreed the berry is the only part of the tree that isnt poisonous as said though the SEEDS ARE POSIONOUS the fruit is very sweet and well worth trying
  22. last time i heard there werent any keepers on button moon
  23. if you see a jenny long legs in the class grab it an eat it thatll soon shut em up
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