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Everything posted by BBB

  1. keep it on the lead for a while , till it chill's out and try and form a stronger bond wit the dog then it will respect and listen to ya
  2. yeah john darling used to have one on his HW80
  3. i had a dog that ate it's OWN shit i cured it by putting a spoon full of pineapple juice in it's food for a couple week's, cured it completely never ate shite again
  4. BBB


    you couldnt afford it man best stick wid ya dag :sick:
  5. BBB


    got plenty 'a' pigeons man beside's it's sold and for a lot more than you'l get for that pigeon If you change your mind,give me a shout,i will even throw in a magpie if you deliver. weasel why you got a stoat in your avatar mine 's better than your's thats what im talking about there thats spooky if your dog is scared outta it mind by a stuffed stoat maybe you should stick some lead in it's lug i cant itll leave me with no mates you will still have rosey palm so at least you'l still have a shag at the end 'o' the evenin
  6. BBB


    got plenty 'a' pigeons man beside's it's sold and for a lot more than you'l get for that pigeon If you change your mind,give me a shout,i will even throw in a magpie if you deliver. weasel why you got a stoat in your avatar mine 's better than your's Well noticed,couldnt find a good picture of a weasel,your birds are better, do you have any sparrowharks? got a sparr pic somewhere cant find it found these though
  7. BBB


    got plenty 'a' pigeons man beside's it's sold and for a lot more than you'l get for that pigeon If you change your mind,give me a shout,i will even throw in a magpie if you deliver. weasel why you got a stoat in your avatar mine 's better than your's thats what im talking about there thats spooky if your dog is scared outta it mind by a stuffed stoat maybe you should stick some lead in it's lug
  8. BBB


    got plenty 'a' pigeons man beside's it's sold and for a lot more than you'l get for that pigeon Not a good live racing one birds i do dont need feeding , dont make a mess, and will be around for a lot longer Whats with the finger fingers back to front V peace
  9. BBB


    got plenty 'a' pigeons man beside's it's sold and for a lot more than you'l get for that pigeon Not a good live racing one birds i do dont need feeding , dont make a mess, and will be around for a lot longer
  10. BBB


    got plenty 'a' pigeons man beside's it's sold and for a lot more than you'l get for that pigeon If you change your mind,give me a shout,i will even throw in a magpie if you deliver. weasel why you got a stoat in your avatar mine 's better than your's
  11. BBB


    it depends on how good the taxidermist is .i know some great mammal taxi's but yes i prefer the birds
  12. BBB


    got plenty 'a' pigeons man beside's it's sold and for a lot more than you'l get for that pigeon
  13. BBB


    hi.. just thought i would put the feelers out i'm looking for dead birds [ have to be totaly legal off coarse, song birds, raptors, owl's anything else of interesr i will also take on commision work, BIRDS ONLY. here's a few i'v did recently, reed warbler, water rail, and short eared owl. best. BBB
  14. BBB

    Playstation 3

    i only play cod5 world at war i think all the maps are good except the tank map's
  15. BBB

    Playstation 3

    good for you mate quick wrist wont help ya on cod though you need reflexes you best stick to what ya good at and keep wankin not to much though or yall go blind
  16. BBB

    Playstation 3

    i wont be happy till i hit the top 100 it'l happen i'm no quick reflexed kid either i'm a quick reflexed 38 year old
  17. BBB

    Playstation 3

    yeah man it is sad, but the top 50 or so are bullshit and should be removed mine is geniune but there is a lotta haters on there when ya kick there ass they pm ya calling ya a cheating modder just because u can fire a gun at a quick rate sad fockers but i enjoy merkin them fockers and makin em QUIT
  18. BBB

    Playstation 3

    yeah i go on cod5 ranked 6000 in da world you must have way too much time on your hands to be ranked 6000th thats good going gimme a few more days and i'l be 5000 not to much time mate, couple hours a night just kick ass on cod5
  19. BBB

    raoul moat

    This sentance has got to be the most ridiculous pile of nonsense in this entire thread !!.....So because a fellas a big lump who lifts weights and has a younger bird he just has to be a bozo,c**t or even a psychotic killer !.... Well i suppose all niggers are going to pinch your wallet......all pakies smell.....and all fat people are lazy b*****ds Maybe you should go work at Passport control,you can spot a psycho killer from a photograph im sure a real life suicide bomber would be no problem at all !! I believe it was a tragic case of mental weakness and the man got everything h
  20. BBB

    Playstation 3

    yeah i go on cod5 ranked 6000 in da world
  21. BBB

    New Look

    nah man dont like this new set i used to the old un this new un's got me fecked to fussy man bring back the old one it was easier to use
  22. well i'v done a few good un's over the years. rabbits 50yds plus ,a few times, hare 55yds, 2 rats with one shot, 2 rabbits with one shot, 2 starlings [when they were legal] with one shot,.. all legaly shootable corvids in one morning,magpie, jay, jackdaw, rook , carrion crow, oh yeah some more 53 woodies in one night[sillouhette,roost shooting], 27 magpies in one night well yez asked i could go on but i'l just get called a bullshitter but i shit ye not.. all were done , with a legal powered pcp..
  23. phone him up. as for return nuttall always say's to ya if ya not happy with the pup/ dog, bring it back
  24. yep.. brian is a nice geniune guy , who will talk dogs allday. always makes ye feel welcome, when you drop by unlike most so called peddlers , who wouldnt give ye the time'a'day nuttall should be given credit for what he has done for the patterdale and terriers in general
  25. same thing happened to me some years back. feckers charged me with badger diggin,confiscated me dog's and fined me £500 . which i didnt pay, and was jailed for 5 day's plus they put my name and address in the papers then i started getting threatening letters off the animal rights , sayin they were goona kill me this went on for over a year more recently 3 mates of mine were caught, out doin a bit, chopper coppers called in the feckin lot they were banned from keepin dogs for 2 years, dogs confiscated and jailed for 6 weeks, charge, causing unneccisery cruelty to a dog and tres
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