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About martinmoreton

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    sea fishing, shooting (air rifles)

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  1. As soon as. I'm off Saturday if you're free.
  2. It's a big area of warrens in some saplings. Could be more than one area to look around. Whole site is about 100 acres.
  3. Bit of a long drive but its there if you want it.
  4. Hi. I'm after someone to do a days ferreting on the Wirral. It's a one off (for now). It's a farm with an area that is tricky to shoot, hence ferrets. This isn't an invite for you and ten mates, or to come and go as you please. Ideal for one or two people. Please reply on here with interest. Thanks.
  5. Hi. I'm after someone to do a days ferreting on the Wirral. It's a one off (for now). It's a farm with an area that is tricky to shoot, hence ferrets. This isn't an invite for you and ten mates, or to come and go as you please. Ideal for one or two people. Please reply on here with interest. Thanks.
  6. thanks dude, glad your still in one piece
  7. Hi. If anybody on here knows "The Badger" from liverpool, could they drop me a line please. Thanks.
  8. wirral thanks Jac. i cant keep the jill, as she needs company and i dont want to try and replace the one ive lost. im gutted but ive got to do it.
  9. 1x6 month old Jill ferret. I cant bring myself to get another after loosing Brian. This one needs company, and lots of handling. She is still biting, so might not make an ideal first pet. ill see how i feel next year, but im not sure about getting any more just yet. Someone please give this little one a good home and she will make a good worker. Thanks. WIRRAL.
  10. have been doing mate. rang everyone a few times this weeks and left my number, but still nothing. i hope this warm weather holds up for a while. It might give him more of a chance.
  11. UPDATE: Firstly, thanks for the kind words and concern guys, its apperciated. the jill appeared late last night at a neighbours house. I knew it was her when she bit me:rolleyes: Still keeping hope that the hob returns, or gets taken in. He is super tame, and i think this might be the reason he hasnt been found yet. Im hoping someone has taken him in. Thanks for the interest Martin.
  12. Went out to feed my ferrets earlier, and one of the kids has left the hutch door open last night. Been putting up posters all afternoon, and visiting vets. Rang everyone i can think of. Im gutted! If anybody in my area hears anything, please give me a shout. Thanks. 1: Brian. Big albino hob. Very very tame. 2: Betty. small black/brown jill. Not so tame. I cant believe it. I really hope they come home when they are hungry, but im not holding too much hope. Ive left a tray of food out, just in case, and im going to sit in the garden most of the night. Im in the WIRRAL area (moreton) M
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