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About articfoxhunter

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  1. Hey, I want to put together a 6ppc and I am stuk between Sako and Remington action to use for the task. The rifle is to be used for foxcontrol and targertshooting so I´m going to use a hevy barrel from Shilen or Krieger. Can I use standard 222 or 223 for this if I open up the boltface. thanks Articfoxhunter
  2. A fox I got last week, old male ,the mink was a bonus.
  3. Hello Finkley About 70% of the foxes here are dark in the winter and some times you don't see any white´s.
  4. Sorry guy´s had some trobble getting the pic over the see We can use light to light up the bait but not on the gun. we use the moonlight, it can be very bright in the snow.
  5. Hello, Im a new member here at this board and wanted to show you what I shot last sunday. We hunt then over bait and wait in cabins or old houses. This is a she fox and is the secend of to I got that night.
  6. Thank you guys. I think I will use Weaver bases they fit, and Leupold mounts for Weaver bases on top of that. Thanks
  7. Hello, Im looking for quick release mounts for my new TITAN 6. I like Leupold products and would like to keep on use that. Thanks
  8. Hallo, I´m a new member of this forum. Greatings from Iceland.
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