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Everything posted by raippa

  1. and its in the house without a mark on it it must be some terrier mate well done Believe or not, but all it`s results are true. It was about 6 months old when it hunted the first racoon dog. Jagdterriers are often very precocious in hunting. LOOK MATE WE CANT DO EM HERE BUT I "WOULD HAVE THOUGHT" THAT ANY DOG WHO HAD FACED THREE BADGERS WOULD HAVE A MARK OR TWO ESPECIALLY BEING SUCH A YOUNG DOG, THEN FOX AND RACOON, WAS THE DOG ALONE AND HOW DEEP WERE THESE DIGS? NOT TRYING TO ARGUE JUST SEEMS A LITTLE FAR FETCHED swag mate, me and you both know that they were stuffed
  2. Okay, Yes it works at barking with badgers, i think that is only way to get those with no injuries. Barking terrier is also very effective with badgers, because you can hunt very much with it, no sick leaves! With fox and racoon dogs it has got harder methods, but it isn`t stupid dog and doesn`t take extra marks, if you know what i mean. Couple of these predators has got under the drying barn, most of predators has got in crags and under the big stones. One racoon dog only in sand set and then the dig was very flat.
  3. and its in the house without a mark on it it must be some terrier mate well done Believe or not, but all it`s results are true. It was about 6 months old when it hunted the first racoon dog. Jagdterriers are often very precocious in hunting.
  4. [url=http://g.imageshack.us/img301 Now 8 months old jagdterrier, results 3 badger, 2 fox, 8 racoon dogs. It working very well.
  5. Here in Finland our deepest dig was 5,3 meter deep (bellman&flint locator). In our badger sets, we have to usually dig 2,5 - 4m deep.
  6. 7 months old jagdterrier, 2 raccoondogs it has hunted. It worked very well, now i have to find some easy badger set to it.
  7. Westfalen terrier is almost same breed than jagdterrier, there is alot of jagdterriers behind those westfalens bedigree. They working style is same as jagdterrier.
  8. couple of jagdterrier links: http://www.djt-club.de/ http://www.iv-djt.com/
  9. I have to little bit fix that my writing. My jagdterrier is 34 cm high not 43cm.. It`s very attentive and active dog. It has got some german import dogs behind it`s pedigree. I have little bit tested it`s "hunting blood" with raccoon dogs, and it seems that it got good active for them.
  10. My 5 months old jagdterrier, 43cm high and little bit over 5 kg weight.
  11. It looks to me that your patterdales in UK are pretty "big" terriers. What are your terriers normal high? About 38 - 45 cm ( i think)?? Also your dogs chest look very large, does they have any proplems to fit in holes??
  12. I think that nearest jagdterriers you can find in France or Belgium. There is alot of jagdterriers in France.
  13. Do you mean in England? I think there isn`t lot of "jagdterriers"! Your terriers in England are most of an old english breeds and mixed "koktails" of other breeds. You have to put "German hunting terrier" at entry in google. There you can find a lot of information at this breed.
  14. Here in finland "jagdterrier=German hunting terrier" is very usual working terrier. We hunt badgers, raccoon dogs and fox with them. There is also in Sweden, Norway and Russia alot of these germanhunting terriers.
  15. Do you have in UK any kind official working or hunting test for terriers??
  16. Great pictures, What kind of breed is that brown terrier in last picture?? Maybe lakeland terrier..??
  17. Yes, we do badger digging pretty much, but we also hunt raccoon dogs and fox. I think that we haven`t got in Finland so much badgers than there in UK..?
  18. [/ New 7 weeks old German hunting terrier puppy, "Badgers worst nightmare..
  19. Couple of my friends have these smooth foxterriers and i know a few kennels wich breeds these "hunting line" smooth foxterriers.
  20. http://www.westfalenterrierverband.de/wt/en/index.php Same look like westfalen terrier.
  21. We have alot of hunting terriers here in Finland and many breeds of them (German huntingterriers, Working jack russells, Patterdale terriers, Smooth- and Wire foxterriers example..) Some Working russell hunters had imported terriers from UK to the here in Finland.
  22. What kind of dog breeds are mixed in those lurchers?? Are those like hound dogs?
  23. Everyone put some hunting pictures here!!
  24. Yes, you are allmost right, raccoondogs are much more "soft" predator to terrier than fox or badger . However raccoondogs fight back when terrier tryes to "hunt" it out of set.
  25. Raccoondogs live here in badger and fox sets in winters. Raccoondog is different species than Raccoon. Some Badger sets are here very deep and there could live these three predator at same time (raccoondogs, fox`s and badgers). Like i said when the terrier was in 8,3m deep, we did not started to dig, just wait that the terrier come out of the set.
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