Lol it wud make a good bird like, have ya ever saw the pics of the Harris cross with a golden eagle? There's a fella from America that breeds them lol they are some looker of a bird.
Aye the fella fed it bacon, suppose as said people think meat it meat,I haven't saw the bird since but far as I no it's ok,anyone saw the redtail cross for sale on birdtrader?
Aye the fella fed it bacon, suppose as said people think meat it meat,I haven't saw the bird since but far as I no it's ok,anyone saw the redtail cross for sale on birdtrader?
Haven't saw it mate, but have been told it's ok, but can't say myself as I haven't saw it, I think it prob is ok if it wasn't the owner would of got in contact again I recon.
Absolutely everything in it hooks,threads,feathers,capes,masked,tools,vices,far far to much to list,can email pics if wanted,has took me years and money to build this kit to sensible offers
Everything ya could ever need,hooks feathers,threads,glues,tools, much stuff to write absolutely everything in it has took me years to build up, can post at buyers to sensible offers.
Just told of a bird flying about aspull Wigan area if anyone has lost one or no who has,its got equipment on it and is tangled up round it's legs so get on the blower if anyone nos who's it is I can pass on a tel number to ya. Cheers
Got a phone call this morning about a redtail,it has eat something like bacon,went to see the bird earlier it doesn't look to good atm,not a bit interested in food it hasn't eat in 2-3 days and I've never felt a keel with so little on it in my life,the bird is a lovely lookin bird and it silly tame. Has anyone ever came across a situation like this? it's a new one to me and I've been around birds a brave while. What ya recon the outcome is? I recon the bacon has give the bird a sour crop.or sumfin like that.
I used broom handles on one of my flights I put them on last year and treated them,they still split and that was only after a year,so.I.wouldn't use broom handles again il just stick to my plastic pipe and netting over the wire mesh on the door,suppose it's down to personal choice and of course money,if ya can afford it go for plastic or metal pipe,after all a good bird isn't worth scrimping on.
I used broom handles on one of my flights I put them on last year and treated them,they still split and that was only after a year,so.I.wouldn't use broom handles again il just stick to my plastic pipe and netting over the wire mesh on the door,suppose it's down to personal choice and of course money,if ya can afford it go for plastic or metal pipe,after all a good bird isn't worth scrimping on.