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Everything posted by badger

  1. Over the years it became less important to me to have a stone killer no lip terrier than it did to have a good tough locater that would stay until dug to, but I am an old man now with a crippled arm and I am hard pressed to dig a garden, lol There ARE some fine young men over from your country that have brought good tough locating dogs, they do exist but you won't find them on the internet for sale. Hats off to them
  2. I still believe in my experience and heart (in the US of course) that Badger is the proper test for a digging terrier. Just my opinion
  3. I wasn't saying you thought your dogs were better I thought it was the other way around with people over here saying coon wasn't as good as fox I have had dogs that had killed several Fox stone dead in the ground that could not kill a coon their own size (although a fox is much more likely to bolt than a coon)
  4. Patterdales don't kill big coon fast, especially underground, unless a thin blade or 22pellet has been administered first. Just a common boast by guys who don't get called on their bull$#!t. I have had a good dog or two since 1990,seen tons of the "Greats" on coon and have dug the odd badger or so in the past. Little dogs JUST DON'T kill coon quick..... if at all
  5. I've read your posts and the man seems sensible putting the dog where it can get some work. Are there really so few fellows over there capable of changing over owners smoothly. I Promise 19 out of 20 dogs will change owners smoothly, it just hurts guys' feelings that their dog goes loyal to a new guy so easy. A week in the pen and a few packages of hot dogs, then a dog like this taken for rides down the road and getting stuck into a coon or fox or possum then swing by and share a ice cream or a couple hotdogs, then out tomorrow night for another shot at something, anything. After a couple week
  6. great videos, beautiful dogs, how are those dogs bred? any of Uphill scott's blood in them? I'm pleased for you, nice to see you having fun. I'm putting another rig together this spring for next year. Some of the boys are helping me out with some dogs for next year, Lucky to know some great guys. bob
  7. I was totally against the concept til I saw the positive results at the local retriever club. The dogs that had been properly conditioned and finished loved their retrieving and no more dropped birds at water edge or just out of handler reach. Also, reduced refusals on tough blind retrieves were greatly reduced. You don't have to be brutal to get a conditioned retrieve, just more patient (stubborn?) than the dog and don't lose your temper. Reward good progress, and be consistent. It is no different than sit and stay, if the dog knows he has to do it every time told, not just when he wants to
  8. Mr Carter, what a wonderful job you have accomplished. It is exciting to see your progress in manning and hunting with your mink. I only wish i had exposure to your opperant learning methods years ago when I had an American badger that was presented to me by Angus A. (terrierman for the ? Old Barks Hunt ) after successful digs in Colorado while visiting from England. On the final dig he found a 3-4 week old badger cub and I claimed her on first sight. I had hunted rabbits with ferrets and hawks and longdogs, but a badger was an animal of a lifetime in a class by herself. She was good with my
  9. Actually, a good hard biting chest dog can kill a coyote pretty damn quick, but it helps alot if there is a throat dog holding the head down. A good throat dog just doesn't have to take as much stick. Just what I've seen over the years, i'm no expert, I just love to run dogs. On this coyote Saker pins while Bonz and Driver are in the chest, he didn't last long. But running double by themselves, Bonz and Driver would go to the throat, I guess they were smarter than me on how to do it right. The yellow dog in the pic is the dad to Uphill Doc's Grace that he did so much good stuff with
  10. Actually, a good hard biting chest dog can kill a coyote pretty damn quick, but it helps alot if there is a throat dog holding the head down. A good throat dog just doesn't have to take as much stick. Just what I've seen over the years, i'm no expert, I just love to run dogs. On this coyote Saker pins while Bonz and Driver are in the chest, he didn't last long. But running double by themselves, Bonz and Driver would go to the throat, I guess they were smarter than me on how to do it right.
  11. Do i think Irish Wolfhounds could catch and kill a good wolf----Hell no, not the ones I've seen try to run. Do i think it can be done... If a man had a set of top Staghounds, at least a quartet, and was willing to jump in to help, who knows? If I had Neil's Jake, Dee's Bigfoot and King Pharoah, Bob's Woody and my Saker in the truck would I dump on a wolf---Damned right I would......fricken damn right.
  12. I think the problem for most on here that don't understand coyotes is that they are small WOLVES, not big fox. They are such great quarry because they are as fast or faster than hares, and when caught they are punishing opponents. Like Dan has said over and over, as has many old coyote hunters that have caught more coyotes than me and Dan combined, the best coyote dogs pin them and kill them using their size and strength to subdue them. It sounds like most of the shakers on here are trying to think in terms of a pit dog besting an opponent or killing a cat. My Saker dog would pick foxes up and
  13. you talk about the dogs pinning them down i always thought a dog that can shake is the better type and kills faster A good staghound pins one to the ground and even lifts his front feet off the ground and then squeezes like hell. Some bulldogs that have learned to KILL, not just fight, do it the same way. A dog that shakes and pulls jerks the coyote away from the other dogs and someone is going to get hurt then. Remember, this is predator control, not one on one combat. We want the dog that is a finisher and takes the least stick so we can hunt him on multiple coyotes a day and again tomorro
  14. what is thare to think about mate if the bullx is the best fox dog out thare then a dont see any reason why thay should not be tried on a 30lb coyote becouse the bullx will still be twice its weight when you think about this a terrier can kill and a terrier will be similer weights with a fox so to me a good 3/4 gray 1/4 bull should be able to catch and kill a coyote but everyone has diffrent oppinions A coyote is a HELL of a lot faster than any fox I've turned out on. Foxes can twist and turn like heck, but some coyotes are just too damn fast with stamina to match, a truly worthy quarry.
  15. Dan, what a dandy dog! Beautiful AND deadly, I am pleased for you. Looks strong and built for early speed, but wait! I don't see any bull influence, what's up with that lol (and this coming from me, a guy who LIKES a bit of bull). I guess you can say none added, none needed;) Thanks for the pics,....bob
  16. the yellow dog's name was Saker(rip). He was well over 30" at the shoulder. I weigh 300 pounds, the bulldog gyp weighed low fifties in that picture, so we can both guess his weight, I never weighed him.
  17. this is the old breeding that made Grace, Lucy, Taz, etc.(Please diregard the old fart in the middle lol)
  18. If I see something I want, I'll buy it. If I want something I think I need, I'll produce it. If I make a litter, I'll cull it to what I can use or my friends can use. If someone I don't know wants one of my litter, I'll find out if I want them to have one or not and they will pay me for it because I have seen too many "Free" dogs wasted. If I don't want them to have one, they can't buy it at ANY price, and that is true. If they want my dog any other way, I have a twelve gauge over each door. Some of the best dogs that I have owned were gifts to me, some of the best dogs my friends have
  19. my view on conducting dog "business"
  20. Hey there lurcherlad, This is still the wild west. Anti's and dog thieves tend to disappear here in the Indian Territories (What the f**k do you think we catch the hogs for? )
  21. A nice pair of stag over bulldog gyps i bred that are in Texas in the hands of a good hunter. The yeller gyp was the leaner of the bunch, but is not lacking in heart lol
  22. Hey Ratkilla! I'll scan some pics of some bullXstags sired by Saker, a brother to J's Tor. These gyps would be belly sisters to Uphill Doc's Gracie(rip) that was a favorite with many. Very nice to hear from you. yours..... bob
  23. i live in Oklahoma, just south of heaven. The top of the hill i own is sandwiched between 32,000 acres of government free hunting land, a 20 mile long lake, and a 2400 acre cattle ranch i have sole permission on. i own a few dogs i like and have a young woman that loves fast tough dogs. Damn, life is good.
  24. you bought the dog, not the collar. good manners says you should bring your own collar and lead to take him home, show the man you are prepared to take care of your new dog.
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