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Everything posted by NIGHT TIME NETTER

  1. get voting folks https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/122004
  2. heres a couple of vids of a half cross I had lamping rabbits back in 1992
  3. pups look beauties mate you've done a good job on um .. Im lucky enough to own Todds litter sister ...
  4. been using one of these this season with the blitz ..... you wont be dissapointed .
  5. Mate ....when i seen you on saturday you had a shirt on with your buisness name on ..... could of easily got it from there ????
  6. best part about it he wasn't even french and his hair was dyed ginger....lol
  7. Some good photos there ..... the rail espeacially! The Hobbies are back over .......... lets hope this year is the year i can find a nest???? NTN
  8. Well done LDR and the big fella! The more i think of it marks very much like a collie cross under pressure Very confident ....always yapping.....then finaly jacking
  9. some nice pics there ..... dracote aint to far from me...do a bit of ferreting out that way
  10. Call him "MAZE" ...... that way you'll have A "MAZE" N "GRACE" [AMAZING GRACE]
  11. I got my copy of the book today and im nearly at the end.....an end i wish i never had to get to for 2 reasons realy. The first reason is because its such a good read of a book and the second is because i already know how it ends . When i started reading this book i got the hairs on the back of the neck sensation that comes when you just know your gonna enjoy something, coming up to the end ive now got that lump in the throat, ill probably pass a tear if the truths known. I was fortunate to see this dog in the flesh, doing exactly what is described in the book,as darcy would say himself "fi
  12. Dont worry mate...could be worse! Imagine if someone else was working your dogs.... now thats the time to be mad NTN
  13. your welcome mate....anytime i can help! NTN
  14. Hello kid....im just outside coventry myself. Ive had a bit of a clear out this week and i reckon theres a couple of dozen spun nylon purse nets spare here. if your just starting out these will do a job for ya! If you can arrange to collect them,.. you can have them mate! NTN
  15. Weren't the lads who did the vid from the Ashington area?.. I remember one clip in that video when they were lamping in a thunderstorm!... At the excact time the dog struck at his rabbit the whole field was lit up by a bolt of lightning, great to watch, If i remember right, they show it again in slow motion??? NTN
  16. If this is a competion just about catching rabbits and everyone knows that then theres no problem, you pick your dogs runs and hope for the best. Saying that, The winner could then be a non retriever,a dog that opens up, hardmouthed and even one that hunts up and fecks about when it misses a rabbit. Not Exactly what youd call a good lamping dog! but a good rabbit catcher if nothing else! good luck to all who enter... NTN.
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