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Albert Ladd

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Everything posted by Albert Ladd

  1. Coote, Top of the noose is about 2 ft.high. Bottom is 10 to 12 inches off the ground or depth of hit's foot in snow. The amount of snares would depend on the amount of snaring locations I'd have. Normally each would be baited ahead of time. Some areas i'd have as many as 20 snares out. Some places onlu 6. It dpended on the set location. At one time i had a total of around or 90 snares out. We have some large suppliers that are real reliable Prices are about the same among them. Sterling fur Co. 11268 Frick Rd. Sterling, Ohio 44276 Tel# 330-939-3763 fax# 330-939-5135 The Snare Shop
  2. Thanks! It was an addiction that snaring! ANTI's got the wildlife department running scared. So many law suits that the department caves in to them rather than manage the wildlife like it should be. Hopefully next winter will see the return of the coyote snaring. --I hope!
  3. One of the most famous American cowboys was a black man that would do the same. Bite onto the cows nose and flit it over.
  4. Test post to see if pic's will post here. This was some of 120 or so a friend and I snared and trapped a few years back. Most were snared in deer wintering areas where the eastern coyote " Actually a coyote/ wolf cross!" does his damage to deer already stressed out from the cold, poor feed and deep snow. I'm not a midget, That's my grandson on the snow sled!
  5. Thanks for the welcome trappers! Took me a while, but just figured out what [bANNED TEXT] meant! Going to take me a while to catch on to your lingo!
  6. Real nice pictures. What a set up! Like the kid in the T shirt pic also.
  7. We could for a time snare coyote here in Maine. I'd catch moose around the ankle nearly dayly with as small as 1/16 1x19 cable "Wire" We didn't use stops, but had the "S" hook 280lb. pull rated releases. The moose would always open the release and get out. Only one time did I have a moose standing there when I entered the area. Young bull with the idea of planting a hoof in my skull everytime i got near. With 2 to 3 ft of snow it wasn't a fun time. I'm sure that I could have held these moose, Or most of them! if it wasn't for that release attached. The 280 lb was too much for neck snared
  8. Mine would be a fire breathing dragon if she ever found out. New traps and snare cable i put through the dishwasher. Takes the factory grease off and leaves a little rust for a better dye job on the traps. One trapper tells how he puts his pelts in the dryer for just 4 minutes after "feathering" them with baby oil. I haven't tried it, but he says they look and smell great.
  9. Washing pelts! That's will be something I'll improve on before our next trapping season. Going to have a washing machine and an ole wringer to squeez out most of the water. Also a tumbler to dry and clean out grease. Wife was off to her mothers for a visit so I tried her washing machine on one coyote. Worked real well. I made darn sure I cleaned the filter real good after. Life would be hell if she was to find out.
  10. Great! Notice that you have left the feet on and stretch them flat like a for a rug. Is this for taxidermy work?
  11. Left side 3/4 of the way down i see a sniny spot on the cable?. Had to use a magnifying glass to spot it. Can't tell if it's a stop for certain.
  12. The Canadian fur market took a good jump in the last auction. Reading how you throw your fox away. Can you? Or do you skin them at all. I did notice the fox that the lab retrieved didn't look prime. Great dogs those labs!
  13. Just registered and am interested to see what kind of trapping, snaring and hunting you do. i live in the U.S. -State of Maine. We still can use about every trap made, Our bear trapping is under attack and likely next year the cable foot trap will be the only way to trap a bear 39 states have some kind of snaring. In Maine at this time beaver under ice is the only snaring we can do. The Hornhunter log in name comes from my past years of hunting moose shed antlers. One of my addictions from the past. Going to look around the site. Loos interesting already!
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