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Everything posted by DAVE P

  1. Sounds like this thread has brought back some good memorys for a few of us.keep it up lads.
  2. Where in north east mate?
  3. Do you do walked up rabbit shooting over spaniels mate?
  4. It would be nice mate,only after the odd day to keep the dogs ticking over.
  5. Well lucky you,i have alot of rabitting but its not the type of land to be able to hunt up and shoot rabbits whilst still been able to train the younger dogs.
  6. I had venom when she was about a year old,i only had her for a couple of month then gave her back to lad i had got her off.
  7. Willing to pay for a days rabbit shooting over my spaniels in the north area.
  8. Anyone know of anybody seling rabbit shooting over spaniels in the north?
  9. Yes mate i will dig them out for you.
  10. I had venom for a while in my kennels,wish i still had her and billy.
  11. Thats great lads.A do miss that dog.
  12. Some good pics lads,old billy brings back a few memorys.
  13. This might be a daft question mate but is it the box and two collars your selling or just the two collars?
  14. Dont want to sound like am being funny mate because am not but is there something to make you think that it is not in good working order?
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