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Everything posted by REED1

  1. Looking good Dan, the weather is supposed to cool down again this weekend again so you should get some more good running. Best of luck.
  2. Aye god, it looks like you crossed some hyena into the brindle dog. They all look to be in top shape. Reed
  3. I have worked both and find it far more frustrating to work a low drive dog than a high drive dog. Most high drive dogs can be managed w/ plenty of exercise and regular obedience work. You can't push a rope. Reed
  4. Dan, I believe he would be almost perfect if he was a little shaggy. And if he pleased Doc I have to imagine he will pass the "Edwards test" I am glad you got some quality genes to keep the breeding lines alive. No weight yet but Hick was 22" TTS at 4 mos. As far as your sprouts, they look like keepers, one and all. Reed No fear, No meanness, No envy.
  5. Hi, I have seen quite a few Mals and worked with several. I love the breed and believe the good ones are the best working dogs in the world. There does seem to be a fair shake of poor ones also. The mals I have seen have all been in working situations, but I believe that a good mal crossed into a lurcher or stag could be a asset. They have a intensity and focus that I believe would make for a nice cross. Reed
  6. Kye, Best of luck with the upcoming fight. I am in no position to give any advise on training but as mentioned before you have to get your sleep when training on this level. I work nights also, melatonin (available at walmart by the vitamins) has been a God send. It is the naturally occurring thing in your body that helps you sleep. It does not knock you out and no drowziness in the morning. I know it is a small venue but if you ever fight in Sioux City (NW Iowa) drop me a PM. I am a MMA fan would love to watch the show. Reed
  7. Aaron, There are some small pockets in southern Iowa (I am in NW), enough so they have now listed them in the DNR regs as a invasive species with no limits and no season. I have heard of very few that have been taken yet. As a hunter I would love to have them, but I have heard some real horror stories about what they can do to the land. Reed No fear, No meanness, No envy.
  8. SS, You are right, I dug the book out, Death in silent places by Peter Capstick, some of the chapters are about Africa, but Siemel was in Brazil. Plenty of hogs where I am, unfortunatley here in Iowa they are all in confinements. I bought a Boar spear years ago with the intentions of a trip down south, but that has not happened, yet. Reed No fear, No meanness No envy.
  9. Hi, Read a book a while back, Death in Dark places. About hunting in Africa. There was a chapter about Sasha Siemel, who hunted jaguar (I think) with dogs and a spear. The dogs were local mixed up terriers. Very interesting read. Of course I always thought trying a spear on a boar with dogs would be fasinating. Reed No fear, No meanness, No envy.
  10. Doc, I understand wanting to breed on your line, but from the pics I have seen Dan's Stich would make a nice cross with Reba. Reed
  11. Dan, I see that you have been making friends and influencing strangers. Reed No fear, No envy, No meanness.
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