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Everything posted by Edd_Wiltshire

  1. Sounds like an idea, something has to be done about these people. Strange how many people advertise litters for there 'friends'. And as for people selling dogs, garden quipment etc with only a handful of posts, this would be one easy way of stopping folk joining the site just to move goods/dogs on. Limit people with less than say 150-200 posts to not starting for sale ads? Or would this just encourage random posts appearing with hundreds of automatically generated posts just to bump up peoples post counter so they could sell? Difficult one, it it were an easy fix, it would
  2. Must be a p*ss take. If you really did that then shame on you.
  3. CCleaner is pretty good, allows you to right click on the recycle bin and run it in the system tray, takes no time and works well, what more do you want for sod all!
  4. No real experience mate. Don’t need to of been a builder for 20 years to put it down to greed and laziness! Anything else is just an excuse. Recession, that’s ok then, we can all dump our sh*te in lay-by’s and car parks then. Happy days. Come round my neck of the woods and you can take your pick of rusty fridges, soggy mattress’s, ancient cookers etc etc. Not great.
  5. 'In some ways it's there problem because they make it hard for small firms to dispose of the rubbish' Utter, Utter rubbish! (excuse the pun) How come 98% of companies can dispose of their waste properly. Its not the council, its the lazy arsed 'Tradesman' who cant be fooked to dispose of their waste. Simples!
  6. Sickening stuff. Totally indefensible in any shape or form. Makes me wonder what sort of person can watch this?
  7. Watching it on iPlayer now. Why would you call them out to let a pigeon out of a front room!!! Open the bleedin window woman! She was a hottie as well, what a job? Wonder what cost her?
  8. I think there is a reason you dont see many around, because they suck. Why would you not use a quad, or a bike? Looks like they have tried to combine the best of both worlds and got the advantages of none!
  9. I have heard that glass is the biggest killer of kingfishers, not sure if its true.
  10. Bloody hell, wouldnt want to meet him down a dark alley! Looks really focused, smart looking dog.
  11. David Blunkett - You can dress your dog up in a high vis jacket as well!
  12. There are lots of places on the net that will have people streaming this event for free. This site is a good starting place My P2P Sports Also do a search for Justin.tv they showed a lot of sports, i watched quite a few rugby games on there last season. UFC 100 should be awesome. Anyone see the latest version on The Ultimate Fighter, awesome stuff that. and we stuffed the Yanks! Take it easy Edd
  13. Yet again I can’t believe people post such things. If you can’t afford to have the dog fixed then don’t have one, or better still buy a f*cking stuffed animal. A one of payment and all it will need are a little bit of dusting now and again. If it were my dog and I were lumbered with a bill like this, I would beg steal or borrow the money to sort it out. That dog was your responsibility and you have shirked it. The majority of vets will take instalments, its there bread and butter a lot of the time. I bet when you go on holiday your Mrs will definitely get travel insur
  14. This must be a wind up! Shall we have an additional forum for General Windups! Christ on a bike!
  15. Stunning looking owl mate, you not considerd getting a mouse trap, lot cheaper! Im not too far ffrom bristol, you get out much in the season? Take it easy Edd
  16. Hi, Any more info on why you are letting him go? Is he KC reg? Pics always go a long way on here too mate. Take it easy Edd
  17. If there is one thing the policee do, its look after there own, he wont face anything. Actually quite surprised it came out at all, part of me thinks they must of been forced into the press release, otherwise it would of been brushed under the constabulary carpet. Been listening to five live and they had a guy from the RSPCA(await the boo's!) and he had a shocking statistic. A car left with its windows closed in 22 degree heat will reach 47 inside in 20 minutes. Statement coming any moment from the police force involved, see if/what excuse they come up with.
  18. It still staggers me that no one has come up with a design that is both robust, bright with a decent beam and affordable. These lamps are not cutting edge tech, come on! If i get another loose connection there will be a world insulation tape shortage! Ahhhh!
  19. Hey, Good looking dogs you have there. Where abouts in Wiltshire are you? Give us a PM if you fancy a mooch sometime.
  20. Didnt order any food but got a bloody good dog! Good luck up north mate, i bet that rabbit population feel like Gordon Brown on election night! Will be booking a stay up there ASAP!!! Take it easy Edd
  21. must think of bank balance, ban the sale of pups from the forum! Great looking pups mate, and decent pics.
  22. If my Mrs had anything to do with it they would be heading your way! Cheers, for some reason i thought i had heard of a vinegar and sugar solution before now? Given the little buggers some enfoced baths recently, they put up a little fight but love it in the end. I have another Gill on the way too, Joy! The marmite idea may work, but you would have to be wealthy! Have you seen the prices of marmite! makes for a better Investment than Gold bullion!!!
  23. Hi All, Just after some information on keeping the number of flies down around my ferret cage. I have just got a few empty jam jars with lids so i am guessing i can put something in there to get them through a hole and trap them inside. Would be great to know what to use that wont smell worse than the ferrets! Take it easy Edd
  24. It’s called cowardice. And fuels the fire for the anti's.
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